Grotte di Castro

Let's discover Grotte di Castro together!

Hello everyone! Today I'm taking you to discover Grotte di Castro, an Italian municipality in the province of Viterbo, Lazio, which has around 2391 inhabitants. Located about 45 km from the capital Viterbo, this town is located on the northern edge of the ancient volcanic cone of the Volsini Mountains, which over 300,000 years ago originated Lake Bolsena.

A charming territory

Grotte di Castro is a wonderful town immersed in a suggestive landscape, where the greenery of nature blends with the crystal-clear waters of the lake. Thanks to its geographical position, this town boasts a great variety of landscapes, from hills to woods, from caves to green meadows.

Grotte di Castro: history, nature, and art in Tuscia.


The town of Grotte di Castro is located in a climatic zone classified as E, with 2249 GR/G.

History of Grotte di Castro

Grotte di Castro boasts a very ancient history, which dates back to the Etruscan era. On the homonymous hill, along the road that connects the town to Lake Bolsena, there was a city of some importance identified for a long time with the name of "Tiro" while today it is generically indicated by the name of Civita di Grotte di Castro, whose ancient Etruscan name is still unknown.

The city was located on the border between the territories of Vulci and Volsinii, and dominated the northern shore of the lake. It was conquered by the Romans between the 4th century BC and the 3rd century BC.

In the 8th century, the city was destroyed by the Lombards. The destruction was so fierce that a nearby location, still called "valle muje", which means "valley of screams", would have been the terrified shouts uttered by the inhabitants of Civita as they were killed.

The survivors took refuge in locations considered safer, such as Gradoli, San Lorenzo Nuovo, and indeed Grotte. The name of the town was chosen for the presence of caves under the rock, still visible today and which could constitute a safe refuge in case of an attack.

In 1077 the town appears with the name of "Castrum Cripaturm" in the donation document of Matilde di Canossa to the Holy See. In 1144 the small village of Rosano (which stood in the territory between Grotte and Acquapendente) was destroyed and its inhabitants were transferred to Grotte.

The Duchy of Castro and the Sanctuary of Maria

The center was contested for centuries between the Catholic Church and Orvieto, then in 1537 it was purchased by the Farnese family and became part of the Duchy of Castro. In 1615 the devotion to the Madonna began with the construction of the Sanctuary.

In 1649, with the fall of Castro (Lazio), Grotte di Castro returned to the Papal States. In 1656 Pope Alexander VII donated to the inhabitants of Grotte the relics of San Flavio Clemente, preserved in the Catacombs of Rome. San Flavio thus became the patron saint of Grotte.

The Garibaldian occupation

In 1860, during the expansion of the "Mille" (a group organized by Giuseppe Garibaldi during the Italian Unification), a detachment of Garibaldian volunteers after the landing at Talamone crossed into the Papal States with the aim of uprising the local population against the pontifical government. On the evening of May 18th, the Garibaldian volunteers crossed the border occupying Latera, later they moved towards Grotte di Castro which was taken on the morning of May 19th with the cry of "Viva l'Italia".

Discovering the territory

Grotte di Castro is a town that is certainly worth a visit. The town offers numerous tourist attractions, such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Aquila, the Castle of Grotte di Castro, and the Church of San Flavio.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, built in the second half of the 12th century, is a Romanesque-Gothic style building that preserves important works of art inside, such as the painting of the Madonna and Child with Saints by Filippo Lippi.

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Aquila, instead, dates back to the 17th century and is located on top of a hill. From here, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Bolsena and the surrounding countryside.

The Castle of Grotte di Castro, on the other hand, is an ancient fortress built on the ruins of the ancient Etruscan city of Tiro. Currently, the building houses the Municipal Library and a pinacoteca.

Finally, the Church of San Flavio, built in the 17th century, preserves the body of the patron saint of the town, donated by the Holy See in 1656.

A treasure of Tuscia

In conclusion, Grotte di Castro is a small pearl of Tuscia, rich in history and natural beauties. If you travel in this area, you cannot miss a visit to the town and its numerous tourist attractions. I assure you that there are many things to discover and you will be fascinated by them!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022