
Hi, let me introduce you to Gradoli!

Welcome to Gradoli, a small town in the province of Viterbo, in the heart of Lazio. With its 1252 inhabitants, Gradoli is a peaceful and charming place that deserves a visit. In this article, I will show you the beauties of the territory, the history of the village and the culinary specialties that you can enjoy here.

Physical geography

Gradoli: Etruscan treasures, medieval history and Aleatico wine.


Gradoli enjoys a privileged position on the north-western hills of Lake Bolsena. The village is located on a tuff hill surrounded by the stream of Fosso Rigo. The territory, rich in olive groves and vineyards, is characterized by steep hills and deep valleys. What makes Gradoli a special place is its location on the shores of Lake Bolsena with 11 km of beach available to visitors.


The climate of Gradoli is classified as zone E, 2254 GR/G. A Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild winters.


Ancient age and Middle Ages

The history of Gradoli dates back to the Etruscan era. Numerous remains of Etruscan tombs and a splendid villa from the republican age, which testifies to the influence of the cities of Bisenzio and Civita di Grotte di Castro, have been found in the territory.

But the real history of Gradoli begins in the Middle Ages. The construction of an imposing castle in the current "Pergola" dates back to this period. The castle was defended by a steep staircase (in Latin "gradus") which gave access to the city walls, from which the name of the village derives. Today, the castle remains few traces such as the round defensive tower and the entrance arch.

In 1113, Castrum Gradolorum was donated by Matilde di Canossa to the Papacy. In 1265, a popular revolt expelled the Orvietani and brought the village back under the government of the Holy See, but a few years later it had to return to Orvieto. Finally, in 1297, the inhabitants of Gradoli and Latera rebelled against the messengers sent by Orvieto, but were defeated by the Umbrian city.

The Renaissance

In 1410, Gradoli became a fiefdom of the Orsini family. In 1445, Pope Eugenio IV appointed the Farnese family as feudal lords for three generations until 1505, when it passed into perpetual vicariate always to the Farnese. In the Renaissance, Gradoli experienced a great cultural and artistic development. The famous Palazzo Farnese, built by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, is a splendid example of this period.

The Aleatico wine of Gradoli

Gradoli is famous for the production of Aleatico wine. The controlled designation of origin includes Aleatico wine from Gradoli, Aleatico liquoroso from Gradoli and Aleatico liquoroso riserva from Gradoli. The Aleatico vine is grown only in some limited areas of Italy, including Gradoli. The unique character of the soil and the long winemaking tradition of the territory mix to create a wine with an intense and refined taste. I recommend tasting this precious wine accompanied by the beef stew, the specialty of local cuisine.


Gradoli is a magical place that is worth discovering. From the Etruscan remains to the Renaissance architecture, the history of the village is long and captivating. The Aleatico wine of Gradoli and local cuisine represent the culinary excellence of the territory. Here you can relax in nature, enjoy Lake Bolsena and its breathtaking views. Come and visit Gradoli and you will fall in love with it!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Nov 6, 2022