San Vittore del Lazio

San Vittore del Lazio: a charming municipality in Lazio

San Vittore del Lazio is a small Italian municipality with 2,415 inhabitants located in the province of Frosinone, in Lazio. This charming municipality stands on a hill with a view of the valley where the Liri and Gari rivers converge. It shares with four other municipalities in Lazio the peculiarity of having a communal territory that borders various Italian regions - Campania and Molise. In this text, we will explore the physical geography, the origins of the name, the history, the monuments and places of interest, the society, and much more about San Vittore del Lazio.

San Vittore del Lazio: discover its history and beauty

Physical geography


San Vittore del Lazio is a hilly municipality that overlooks the valley where the Liri and Gari rivers are located. The territory of San Vittore del Lazio extends between the Campania and Molise regions. The geographical position of this municipality makes it unique and strategic.


San Vittore del Lazio has a temperate climate with hot summers and mild winters. The area is classified as zone D, 1507 GR/G.

Origins of the name

The toponym of San Vittore del Lazio has a very ancient origin. It derives from the ancient Benedictine "cella" near which the urban nucleus arose. The name "Lazio" was added to distinguish San Vittore from the homonymous city in other parts of Italy.


San Vittore del Lazio has a rich and fascinating history. In the territory of this municipality, many remains of megalithic walls dating back to the period of the Samnites have been found. The city of San Vittore del Lazio was founded in the 9th century around a church built by the Benedictine fathers of Montecassino, who governed the territory. In the 15th century, the castle belonged to the Mancini of Venafro and, upon their extinction, passed to the Mancini Marchesi di Fusignano who, however, never resided there. In the 19th century, Count Antonio Mancini of the Marchesi di Fusignano inherited all the family's property in Terra di Lavoro and was the first to establish his residence in the castle of San Vittore del Lazio.

For centuries, San Vittore del Lazio was a thriving production center for clay, cast bronze, and wood objects. Today, some brick kilns are still in operation, but most of the residents work in the industrial sector.

Monuments and places of interest

San Vittore del Lazio has a cultural and artistic heritage of great value. Among the main monuments and places of interest, we find:

Religious architecture

The church of San Nicola represents the most important monument of San Vittore del Lazio and contains 14th-century painting cycles depicting the works of mercy and the martyrdom of Saint Margaret of Antioch. The church of Santa Maria della Rosa is located in a silent and secluded area of the town center, while the church of Madonna delle Grazie is located near the cemetery and was restored in 1968.


Demographic evolution

San Vittore del Lazio has around 2,415 inhabitants, a number that has remained stable over the years.


The majority of the population in the municipality professes the Catholic religion and belongs to the diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo. Before 2014, the municipality was part of the territorial abbey of Montecassino.

San Vittore del Lazio is a place rich in history and charm. Its geographical position and the beauty of its monuments make this municipality an attraction for tourists and a perfect place to live in peace and harmony.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Feb 17, 2023