
A brief introduction to Pegognaga

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about a small municipality located in the province of Mantova in Lombardy, called Pegognaga. If you're wondering how to pronounce the name, in low Mantuan dialect it's pronounced "Pigugnàga". With a population of about 6866 inhabitants, Pegognaga is located right along the 45th parallel, the equidistant line between the North Pole and the Equator.

Pegognaga: history, geography, and curiosities in Lombardy.

Let's discover the territory

Physical geography

If you're a nature and geography lover, you'll be interested to know that Pegognaga was severely affected by the 2012 Emilia earthquake. Located between 8 and 14 kilometers from the epicenter, which was located between Cavezzo and Mirandola, it was one of the areas most affected by the earthquake.


As for the climate, the territory of Pegognaga falls within the area of the Po Valley. Winters here are cold, while summers are very hot and humid. If you decide to visit this place, I recommend that you bring appropriate clothes for the season.

A brief history of Pegognaga

Origin of the name

The toponym "Pegognaga" could derive from the Latin "Pecunius", the name of a Roman patrician who, in the first century AD, would have founded an agricultural village here. According to another interpretation, the name would instead be linked to the term "pecunia", which means money or wealth in Latin, referring to the fertile lands of this area.

From Roman origins to the end of the empire

Between the 1st and 4th centuries AD, Pegognaga was a typical Roman agricultural village called "Flexum". With the barbarian invasions, the locality was destroyed and abandoned for a long time.

Rebirth and conflicts

In 820, new settlements began to appear, and in 877 the Pigugnaria court appeared, which over the years was transformed into Pegognaga. In the 11th century, it came under the dominion of Matilda of Canossa, who tried to favor the village through new building works. Later, there was a dispute between the municipalities of Reggio Emilia and Mantova, which ended with an agreement of joint administration between the two provinces in Pegognaga in 1257.

The Gonzaga period and reclamation

The community later became part of the possessions of the Gonzaga Commune, under which it experienced one of the most prosperous periods of its history. The main agricultural courts, about ten of which still exist today, date back to the 1500s, and only in 1907 did the millenary reclamation work end, which transformed the marshy land of Pegognaga into one of the most fertile in the Po Valley.

The creation of the coat of arms

The city's coat of arms that we know today was approved by the City Council in December 2012 and granted through the Decree of the President of the Republic in June 2013. The design of the coat of arms refers to the Roman origins of Pegognaga and its close relationship with the river. In fact, on the coat of arms we find a Doric capital that reads "Pado Patri" or "father Po", a male figure that symbolizes the Po river pouring water from an amphora. In addition, there is a boat oar to recall the importance of river transport in the community of Pegognaga, and two poplars in the background, typical of the Po Valley landscape.


I hope you enjoyed this brief journey through the history and geography of Pegognaga. This place has a long history and a territory full of charm and incredible landscapes. If you're looking for a relaxing and suggestive vacation, Pegognaga could be just the place for you!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Mar 11, 2022