
Let's discover Motteggiana

Hi friends! Today we'll talk about a small town in the heart of Lombardy: Motteggiana. If you've never heard of it, don't worry, you're not alone. With just over 2400 inhabitants, it may seem like a place without great attractions, but it actually has a very interesting history.

Origins of the name

The name Motteggiana comes from the Latin "monticula", meaning small hills, and was adopted in 1867 after the Italian conquest. Until then, the area was called "Borgoforte on the right bank of the Po". But we prefer the current name!

Motteggiana: let's discover its history and treasures.


During the Duchy of Mantua, Motteggiana was part of the commune of Borgoforte, but thanks to the reforms of Maria Theresa, in 1773 it became an independent commune under the legal district of Suzzara. In 1866, during the Third Italian War of Independence, Motteggiana was involved in a marginal event: the Austrians had built a fort on the right bank of the Po, Forte Noyon, which was later taken by the Italian army. Today, only the central part of the fort remains, but it is a place of interest for history enthusiasts.


The coat of arms and the banner of Motteggiana were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on January 17, 2000. The coat of arms represents the "monticiano" of the toponym surmounted by the black eagle of the Gonzaga, while the banner is a red cloth.

Monuments and places of interest

Motteggiana has few monuments, but the Corte Ghirardina is a place of historical and cultural interest. This work by Luca Fancelli dates back to 1470 and has recently been restored to show it to the public.


Motteggiana has a very stable population, with a constant increase in recent years. Most of the inhabitants are elderly, but there is a growing number of young families. The commune has a very active associative life, with many cultural and social initiatives.


The commune of Motteggiana is run by a mayor directly elected by the citizens. There are no major administrative problems and the village is managed efficiently.


At the moment, the commune of Motteggiana has no twinning with other cities. But who knows? Maybe in the future it will find its ideal twin!

Here's some information about the little gem of Motteggiana. Remember, often the smallest places hide great treasures!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022