
The life of Ludovico Gonzaga

Ludovico Gonzaga, son of Gianfrancesco Gonzaga, was born in Mantua in 1412. Raised at Ca' Zoiosa by Vittorino da Feltre, Ludovico followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a famous condottiero. In 1436, he fought for the Visconti family alongside Milan, but the following year he joined the service of the Republic of Venice in the league against Milan. In 1450, he was granted permission to lead an army for King Alfonso V of Aragon in Lombardy, but he switched sides to serve Francesco Sforza, the new Duke of Milan, in order to obtain possessions for himself. In the following years, he fought many battles, some of which were decisive for the history of the city of Mantua.

Military conquests

Ludovico Gonzaga made many attempts to conquer the Mantuan territory. In 1453, he routed Carlo Gonzaga's troops in the Battle of Villabona, but the Venetian troops led by Niccolò Piccinino withstood the onslaught. In 1454, the Peace of Lodi forced Ludovico to return all the conquered territories and to permanently renounce the three cities promised by Francesco Sforza. However, he received his brother's lands after his childless death in 1450.

Ludovico Gonzaga: Commander, patron of the arts and protagonist of the history of Mantua.

The Council of Mantua

The moment of greatest prestige for Ludovico Gonzaga and the city of Mantua was the Council of Mantua held in 1459, summoned by Pope Pius II to launch a crusade against the Ottoman Empire. Ludovico received the honor of the Golden Rose and his son Francesco became a cardinal.

Artworks and buildings

Ludovico Gonzaga was a great patron of art and culture, bringing important architects and artists to Mantua. In 1460, he appointed Andrea Mantegna as the court artist of the Gonzaga family, who painted the famous "Camera degli Sposi" in the castle. He also called on architects such as Luca Fancelli and Leon Battista Alberti, who began the construction of the Basilica of Sant'Andrea and the Church of San Sebastiano in Mantua. Finally, he promoted the cultivation of mulberry trees in Tuscany through Luca Fancelli, giving impetus to the silk industry.

Ducal Palace of Revere

Luca Fancelli was also the architect who designed the Ducal Palace of Revere, the castle residence of Ludovico Gonzaga that was built between 1447 and 1478.

In conclusion, Ludovico Gonzaga was an extremely important figure in the history of Mantua, both for his military exploits and for the great role he played in the field of art and culture. The city itself owes much of its artistic beauty to the artists and architects whom he commissioned.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022