
Welcome to Lumarzo: a town of history and nature in Liguria

Lumarzo is a town located in the metropolitan city of Genoa, in Liguria. With a population of 1412 inhabitants, this beautiful town extends along the banks of the Lavagna stream, in the Fontanabuona valley. Lumarzo is a tourist destination that boasts natural beauty, religious architecture, and a rich history of traditions and culture. In this article, we will talk about the physical geography, history, symbols, monuments, and places of interest in Lumarzo.

Physical Geography

The town of Lumarzo is located east of Genoa, along the Lavagna stream. The Lavagna stream originates from the slopes of Mount Bargagli. The territory has a peak called Mount Bado which rises to 911 meters above sea level. Lumarzo is located in the high valley of Fontanabuona and is connected to Genoa through the high valley of Bisagno, via the SS 225 state road of Val Fontanabuona and the Boasi tunnel.

Lumarzo: Ligurian History, Nature, and Beauties in an Open-Air Museum.


The name Lumarzo derives from the Latin "Locus Martius", which means "Mars (god) grove-field". According to legend, there was a temple dedicated to the Roman god of war in the municipal territory. Since the Lombard era, the monks of the San Colombano abbey have been operating in Lumarzo's territory. In 1198, the Fieschi family ceded the feud to the Republic of Genoa, which subjected the community to the podesteria of Roccatagliata-Neirone and later to the podesteria of Rapallo.

With the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797, the municipality of Lumarzo became part of the department of the Gulf of Tigullio, with its capital in Rapallo, within the Ligurian Republic. In 1815, Lumarzo was merged into the Kingdom of Sardinia, according to the decisions of the Congress of Vienna in 1814. During World War II, Lumarzo was the scene of clashes between German troops and the Italian Resistance fighters or partisans.


The coat of arms of Lumarzo was granted by ministerial decree on February 27, 1976. It represents the god of war Mars, dressed as a warrior, emerging from a forest with three watercourses at his feet: the Lumarzo, Ferriere, and Lavagna streams.

Monuments and places of interest

Lumarzo boasts numerous religious architectures and places of tourist interest.

Religious Architecture

The Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Lumarzo dates back to the seventeenth century and, according to some sources, was rebuilt in the twentieth century. The parish church of San Tommaso in the hamlet of Boasi was consecrated by the bishop of the diocese of Chiavari, Monsignor Giovanni Gamberoni, on June 23, 1917.

Lumarzo also offers numerous trails, nature walks, and ancient villages where visitors can experience a relaxing holiday.


Lumarzo is a town in Liguria that offers splendid natural beauty, religious architecture, and a rich cultural history. Through the words of this article, we have provided an overview of the territory of Lumarzo and its beauties. If you are planning a visit to Liguria, Lumarzo is definitely worth a visit to immerse yourself in the traditions of the Fontanabuona valley.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Sep 2, 2022