
Discovering Davagna

Hello friends! Today, I will take you on a journey to discover a beautiful Italian town: Davagna. Located in the metropolitan city of Genoa, in Liguria, this town has approximately 1824 inhabitants. It is a place of great historical and scenic interest, where you can relax and enjoy nature.

Physical Geography

The territory of Davagna is located northeast of Genoa, mainly on the right bank of the upper Bisagno Valley. The town is located at a high altitude, in fact, its highest point is Mount Candelozzo, which reaches 1036 meters.

Through the Scoffera pass, which is at 674 meters above sea level, it is possible to reach the valleys of the Bisagno stream and the Scrivia river, and it was an ancient communication route between the Ligurian coast and the Po Valley. The town is also a stop on the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri and connects to the Fontanabuona Valley through the Boasi gallery.

Davagna: historical and natural treasures of Liguria


The origins of Davagna are very ancient, as evidenced by documents that testify to the presence of the town's name, and its fractions, starting from 916. In addition, Calvari, a fraction of Davagna, was a passing point for the transport of chestnut wood along the Bisagno stream towards Genoa for shipbuilding.

During the period of the Lombard Kingdom, Davagna was subject to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Abbey of San Colombano. The position of the municipality along the historic Aqueduct route of Genoa, which supplied water to the city, increased its importance.

During the 19th century, Davagna was the scene of a bloody battle between the French and Austrians, which took place in April 1800. Over the years, the town has undergone various dominations: the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797, the Kingdom of Sardinia from 1815, and the Kingdom of Italy since 1861.

In 1891, the municipality changed its ancient name from Rosso to the current one of Davagna and provincial roads were built to connect all the fractions and locations of the town.

The minor peaks of the Ligurian Apennines

If you love nature and hiking, in Davagna, you can find several minor peaks of the Ligurian Apennines, such as Mount Carmo, Mount Dragonat, Mount Spina, and Mount Zuccarello, just to name a few. By reaching an altitude of 1000 meters, you can enjoy a breathtaking view.

What to visit in Davagna

If you plan to visit Davagna, besides the minor peaks of the Ligurian Apennines, I recommend visiting some fractions such as Calvari and Capenardo, where you can admire beautiful views and enjoy the tranquility of the Ligurian countryside. Among the town's attractions are also the Church of San Bartolomeo, dating back to the 18th century, the Chapel of San Michele, and the Fountain of the Moor, located in the heart of the town. Moreover, during the summer, the town organizes various cultural and gastronomic events.


In conclusion, Davagna is a charming place where you can admire beautiful landscapes and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. If you are looking for a place to relax and disconnect from the hectic city life, Davagna is the perfect place for you. I hope I've convinced you to visit this beautiful Italian town!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022