
Tribógna: a gem in Liguria

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a characteristic municipality of the metropolitan city of Genoa: Tribógna. If you are looking for a quiet place surrounded by nature, this small town with only 573 inhabitants is perfect for you. Explore with me the beauty of this Ligurian gem!

Physical geography

Located in an elevated position compared to the valley floor, the municipality of Tribógna offers a magnificent panorama. From the hamlet of Garbarini, the municipal seat, you can admire the entire Fontanina valley and the Antola mountain range. Furthermore, you can admire the massif of Mount Caucasus and Mount Manico del Lume, which dominate the view from the town. The Lavagna stream divides Tribógna from the municipalities of Neirone and Moconesi, while the eastern part of the municipality is crossed by the small Litteglia stream.

Tribógna: discover the Ligurian gem


The history of Tribógna probably dates back to Roman times, as evidenced by the archaeological finds found in the nearby hamlet of Cassanesi. In addition, its local church is mentioned in a document from 1261. During the Middle Ages, the monks of the Abbey of San Colombano were active. The Republic of Genoa had built a bastion on the summit of Mount Tuggio to defend the village, subjecting it to the jurisdiction of the captaincy of Recco in 1513. With the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte, the territory of Tribógna became part of the department of the Gulf of Tigullio and then the V canton in the jurisdiction of Frutta. In 1804, the municipality of Tribógna was officially established with the merger of the two communities of Tribógna and Piandeipreti. In 1815, it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia and later into the Kingdom of Italy.

What to do in Tribógna

If you love nature and trekking, you can't miss a walk on Mount Borgo. At the top, the archaeological site of Castellaro, an ancient medieval fortress, awaits you. You can also take a peaceful walk along the Lavagna stream or a trip to the nearby Antola mountain. If you prefer relaxation, you can enjoy the view from the town, maybe sitting on the bench in front of the local church.

The Tribognina cuisine

Tribógna is famous for the production of high-quality veal meat. The town also enjoys an excellent production of olive oil and wine. If you love Ligurian cuisine, you must try minestrone, trofie with pesto, and pandolce, a typical Christmas dessert of Genoese tradition. You can't leave Tribógna without tasting the local goat cheese, maybe paired with a glass of good wine.

How to get to Tribógna

The municipality of Tribógna is easily accessible by car from the city of Genoa, in about 45 minutes. You can also take the train to the Uscio station and then take the bus to the town. If you love cycling, you can ride along the Fontanabuona valley cycle path, enjoying the view of the area.

I hope I have convinced you to visit the beautiful municipality of Tribógna. You won't regret it!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Jun 27, 2022