
Discover the Province of Campobasso

Hello everyone! Today I'll talk to you about the province of Campobasso, a region in Molise that has a lot to offer. With a population of 210,249 inhabitants, the province boasts an area of 2,909 square kilometers, which includes 84 municipalities. The capital is Campobasso, and the institutional headquarters is located in Palazzo Magno.

Physical geography

Explore the wonders of the province of Campobasso.


The territory of Campobasso offers a variety of landscapes, starting from the mountains of the Samnite Apennines and descending to the Adriatic coastal strip. You will find yourself immersed in the valleys of Trigno, Biferno, and Fortore, surrounded by hills and mountains. This territory hosts many villages, towns, and cities worth visiting.



In the province of Campobasso, there are many rivers, including Biferno, Fortore, Trigno, Tammaro, Saccione, Sinarca, and Sassinora. The Biferno river crosses the Guardialfiera Lake, where there is a dam for the production of electricity. The Fortore crosses the Occhito Lake and marks the border between Molise and Puglia. The Trigno, on the other hand, marks the border between Molise and Abruzzo.


Campobasso also hosts two large reservoirs, Guardialfiera Lake and the artificial Liscione Lake, which are located at the foot of the mountains and offer a moment of relaxation and tranquility to visitors. The 647 Fondo Valle del Biferno state road also offers a beautiful view of the lakes.

History and culture

The province of Campobasso boasts a rich history and culture. Its origin dates back to the ancient province of Contado di Molise. This region has been ruled by many peoples throughout history, including the Samnites, Romans, and Lombards. It has also seen the presence of Normans, Swabians, and Angevins.

Local traditions

In the province of Campobasso, you can still breathe the traditional culture of Molise. There are many local festivals that celebrate agriculture and pastoralism, such as the festival of San Giovanni Battista in Campobasso, the festival of Madonna delle Grazie in Colle d'Anchise, and the festival of Madonna del Carmine in Roccavivara.

In September, the Sagra della Salsiccia is held in Montenero di Bisaccia, where you can taste homemade sausages and other local specialties. The territory is also famous for the wine and olive oil produced by the surrounding hills.


In summary, the province of Campobasso is one of Italy's hidden gems. Its varied territory offers many possibilities for excursions and outdoor activities. The history and culture of Molise are still alive in this area, and there are many opportunities to savor local cuisine and traditions. If you haven't yet taken a trip to this fantastic region, don't waste any more time and come visit!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Monday, Sep 12, 2022