
Argelato: a municipality in Emilia-Romagna

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Argelato, an Italian municipality that is part of the metropolitan city of Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna. The municipality is composed of the hamlets of Volta Reno, Argelato, Contea di Casadio (which includes the inhabited areas of Malacappa di Passo Gatti and Quattro Portoni) and Funo, which is known for the presence of important industrial establishments and the famous CenterGross, one of the largest wholesale trade centers in Europe.


The history of the municipality of Argelato was unknown to many until December 5, 1974, when some elements of the extreme left in Modena attempted a robbery at the municipality's bank. During their escape, they were accidentally stopped by two carabinieri who mistook them for campers. The Facts of Argelato occurred, resulting in the death of one of the robbers and the minor injury of the other.

Argelato: history, monuments and nature in Emilia-Romagna.


The municipality's coat of arms was recognized in 1930 and takes up the coat of arms of the Argelati family, who ruled the territory. The banner is a yellow cloth.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Argelato and its hamlets have many architectural assets of historical and cultural interest. The MiBACT reports 16 protected architectural assets, including churches, courtyards, villas, and historic buildings, but there are many others without protection.

Religious architecture

Among the religious architecture, we find the Church of San Michele Arcangelo, the Church of Saints Philip and James, the Church and parish complex of Saints Nicholas and Petronius, and the Chiesolino del Savignano.

Civil architecture

The civil architecture instead includes the Municipal Palazzina, the Palazzo della Morte (now Vignola's), Palazzo Orsi, Villa Talon-Sampieri with its avenue of centuries-old oaks, Villa Beatrice, Villa Zambonelli, Villa la Torre, Villa Angelelli Zambeccari, Casino Candi, and many others.

Natural areas

Argelato also hosts the wooded natural area of Boscovivo.


Argelato has a population of about 9705 inhabitants and presents a good rate of demographic evolution.


The municipality offers interesting cultural structures such as the Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum, the Municipal Library of Argelato, the Municipal Library of Funo, and the Municipal Theater of Argelato.

Infrastructure and Transport

The public transport service in Argelato is offered by suburban bus services of the TPER company. In the past, the municipality hosted a station of the Bologna-Pieve di Cento Tramway, used both for commuting and for the transport of sugar beets.


Below is a table with the administrations that have succeeded in the municipality.

In summary, Argelato is an Italian municipality with an interesting history and rich in monuments, historic buildings, and natural areas that make it an ideal destination for lovers of culture and nature. If you are in the area, don't miss the opportunity to visit it!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Tuesday, Aug 9, 2022