Castel Maggiore

Everything you need to know about Castel Maggiore

If you're looking for a quiet and welcoming location just a few kilometres from the centre of Bologna, Castel Maggiore is the perfect place for you. With its over 18,000 inhabitants, this municipality located in the metropolitan city of Bologna can offer both moments of relaxation in nature and multiple opportunities to get to know its rich history and culture.

History of Castel Maggiore

If you're interested in history, Castel Maggiore can offer you many surprises. Already mentioned in documents from the 10th century, at the time it was known as "Castaniolo". Later, to distinguish itself from another nearby location called "Castagnolo Minore", it took the name Castel Maggiore. According to legend, the name may have originated from a chestnut trunk that was found in that place.

Castel Maggiore: between history, nature and art.


The municipality of Castel Maggiore earned the Silver Medal for Civil Valour, thanks to its resistance during World War II.

Physical geography of Castel Maggiore

The municipal territory of Castel Maggiore is crossed by the Navile Canal, which offers pleasant walks along its banks. Furthermore, the village is located near the Reno River, which makes it ideal for nature walks. The climate of Castel Maggiore is classified in zone E, with an annual average of 2224 GR/G.

What to see in Castel Maggiore

For art and architecture enthusiasts, Castel Maggiore offers multiple opportunities for visits. The church of San Biagio a Saliceto is an ancient Romanesque building signed by the territory, while the church of San Giovanni Battista del Trebbo, in the homonymous district, is of considerable artistic interest. Then there are the parish churches of Sant'Andrea Apostolo di Castel Maggiore, San Bartolomeo Apostolo di Bondanello and Santa Maria Assunta in the Sabbiuno district. Civil buildings of significant importance include Villa Zarri, a sixteenth-century residence with a garden full of statues and a small quality brandy producer, and Villa Salina, which currently houses structures owned by the Region.


In conclusion, Castel Maggiore is a destination not to be missed for those who want a unique experience among art, history and nature. If you decide to visit it, there will certainly be opportunities to discover its history and enjoy its beauty.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, Aug 26, 2022