San Giorgio di Piano

Welcome to San Giorgio di Piano!

Hello everyone! Today we want to talk about San Giorgio di Piano, a municipality in Emilia-Romagna with a fascinating history and many curious things to discover.

San Giorgio di Piano: history, hamlets and curiosities.


San Giorgio al Piano

Let's start with our ancient history. San Giorgio di Piano was already an active center in Roman times, as evidenced by numerous finds and the topography of some places. In the Middle Ages, the "Castle of San Giorgio" appears mentioned with the names of "Selva tauriana" or "Massa tauriana" and "Saltus plano", a plain forest. This place was considered strategic for trade exchanges, so it was fortified in the 14th century with imposing works of which well-preserved traces remain today: the whole castle was fortified in 1388. Under Papal rule until 1796, the municipality experienced renewed economic and social dynamism in the nineteenth century, characterized by a rural economy that saw the cultivation of hemp and wheat prevail.

The hamlets

San Giorgio di Piano also has three cute hamlets to visit. Let's discover them together!


Cinquanta has ancient origins. In this locality, numerous marble cippi representing deities dating back to the 2nd century AD were found. The ancient Villa Zambeccari is located in this locality. But we want to tell you about a particular story, that of the Candini family. During World War II, during the period of German occupation and the Italian Social Republic, the peasant Candini family hid and protected the three members of the Neapolitan Cuomo family in their farmhouse, who were forced into hiding as Captain Vittorio Cuomo was evading the draft while his wife and young son were Jewish. For this act of solidarity, on June 14, 1998, the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem awarded the high honor of Righteous Among the Nations to spouses Pio and Gina Candini.


In Gherghenzano, Annibale I Bentivoglio defeated the Visconti army in a famous battle in 1433. The center developed during the Middle Ages, a period in which the Church of Geminiano di Modena was built. However, the building was rebuilt in 1729 and a canvas by Antonio Randa is still displayed inside. The painting shows the ''Madonna with Child and Saints Geminiano, Francesco, Carlo and Ignazio di Loyola'' and can be dated to the period 1622/1626.


The hamlet of Stiatico is 3.73 kilometers away from the municipality of San Giorgio di Piano, to which it belongs. Its name derives from a Roman gentilic fund called "Hostiaticus". In the center of the hamlet is the Church of San Venanzio Martire; restored at the end of the eighteenth century, inside it is possible to admire a plaster statue by De Maria depicting the Patron Saint.


This is just a taste of what you can discover in San Giorgio di Piano. A municipality with an interesting history, with curiosities and places to visit. We are sure you will appreciate the beauty of this place!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Thursday, Sep 8, 2022