
Welcome to the University of Bologna!

Hello everyone, I am pleased to introduce you to the University of Bologna, better known as Alma Mater Studiorum! This university is the oldest in the world still in operation and represents a great cultural and historical heritage for our country. In this text, I will briefly tell you the history of this institution of excellence.


The University of Bologna: history and current events in brief.


The University of Bologna was founded in 1088 and immediately became an important center of studies for the territory and for the whole of Europe. The city of Bologna was considered a crossroads of cultures, where legal knowledge was particularly widespread thanks to the presence of the court of Matilda of Canossa.

Bloom of legal studies

Between the 11th and 12th centuries, the city of Bologna became the center of development of the Tuscan-Emilian courts: through jurisprudence and judicial practice, in fact, an attempt was made to unify the territory and guarantee greater social stability. A school of Roman law was then born, which was the real protagonist of the first phase of academic life in Bologna.

The protagonists of those years

Pepo and Irnerio are two figures who have traditionally been considered the founders of the Studium. Both were jurists and participated in the placiti (hearings) held by Countess Matilda of Canossa. Thanks to their studies, Roman law became the privileged subject of teaching within the University.

Alma Mater Studiorum today

After centuries of uninterrupted activity, the University of Bologna still represents a reference point for students, scholars and all those interested in knowledge and culture.

The latest news from the University

The University of Bologna has always stood out for its ability to keep up with the times. In recent years, it has been involved in important initiatives aimed at raising the quality of teaching and research. Among these, we can certainly mention the AlmaScience project, which aims to create a system of guidance and support for graduates in scientific fields.

Students' options

The University of Bologna offers numerous degree courses, including those in legal, economic, scientific, medical and humanistic fields. There are also numerous opportunities for students interested in spending a period of study abroad, thanks to various inter-university exchange initiatives and collaboration with numerous foreign universities.

Scholarly life

Life within the University of Bologna is very lively and intense: cultural events, conferences, seminars and many other activities are organized. In addition, many faculties offer a wide range of services to support students, such as tutoring, guidance, library services and laboratories.


In conclusion, the University of Bologna represents a place of great fascination and cultural value for the city and for the entire country. Its millennial history is a treasure to be defended and valued, and its activities are a precious opportunity for students and for all those who love knowledge. I hope to have conveyed my enthusiasm for this institution, and I invite you to come and discover Alma Mater Studiorum!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022