La Giostra della Quintana: an exciting historical event in Ascoli Piceno
The Giostra della Quintana is an important medieval historical reenactment held in Ascoli Piceno. The event involves the six districts of the city: Piazzarola, Porta Maggiore, Porta Romana, Porta Solestà, Porta Tufilla and Sant'Emidio.
The event takes place twice a year, in July and August. The July edition is dedicated to the "Madonna della pace" and takes place on the evening of the second Saturday, while the August edition (also known as "della tradizione") takes place on the afternoon of the first Sunday of August during the celebration of Sant'Emidio, the city's historical patron saint and first bishop.
The Quintana: a series of events
The Giostra della Quintana includes various events that take place starting in June: "sestieri all'erta," the "Giuramento dei Consoli," the "Lettura del Bando" (for both editions of the joust), the "Palio degli Sbandieratori e Musici," the "Saluto alla Madonna della Pace," the July "Giostra" (preceded by a procession), the "Palio degli Arcieri," the "Offerta dei Ceri," and finally the August "Giostra" (also preceded by the same procession that takes place in July in honor of the city's patron saint).

The Quintana: a great event for Ascoli Piceno
For the city of Ascoli Piceno, the Giostra della Quintana represents the expression and synthesis of tradition, history, and the unbreakable bond with the territory as recalled by ancient alliance treaties. The event is highly felt and followed by all Ascolans, who prepare for it throughout the year.
The origin of the Quintana
The roots of the Quintana are very ancient: some trace them back to the 9th century when the Saracens invaded the Picenum territory. This explains the presence of the bust to hit placed on the field, which represents the Moor, the enemy of the faith.
From an etymological point of view, the word "quintana" is thought to derive from the French "quintaine" or from the Latin word "quintus." Furthermore, the origin of the Quintana can be attributed to Roman history, where legionnaires trained to hit a "palus" about 6 feet high anchored to the ground of the camp road destined for the market and military exercises. This road was the "via quintana," which divided the fifth and sixth cohorts.
The Ascolani Statutes
The Ascolani Statutes drafted in 1377 and printed in 1496 assure that even then the tournament was already consolidated as the conclusion to the August 5th festivities in honor of Sant'Emidio. These documents vividly give us an idea of what happened during this occasion, which had to be celebrated "with solemnity of games and dances, joyfully." In honor of the patron saint, a "pallium," a velvet cloth, had to be carried.
In summary, the Giostra della Quintana is an ancient and culturally and emotionally important event in Ascoli Piceno that involves the entire city and attracts tourists from all over the world. It is a historical reenactment that consolidates the memory of the city's ancient rites, representing one of the most anticipated events of the year, and which every Ascolan prepares with care to celebrate their tradition and their belonging to the territory.