
The History of the Naples Province

The Naples Province, or ''pruvincia 'e Nàpule'' in Neapolitan, was a province of Italy in the region of Campania. Founded in 1806, it was the successor of the homonymous Neapolitan province that existed in the Kingdom of Naples and in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

With the urban expansion of the city during Fascism, the Neapolitan province expanded its territory and incorporated the districts of the ancient ''Liburia'' including the Pontine Islands. In 1945, the Bonomi III government established the province of Caserta and the perimeter of the current metropolitan city of Naples was traced.

The Territorial Plan

In the PTCP (Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan), the Naples Province divided the territory into six homogeneous macro-areas. Today, the province has been abolished to make way for the metropolitan city of Naples.

The new institution of the metropolitan city will be tasked with performing administrative functions in the city municipalities and in the towns within the district. All of this is encompassed in the project called ''Grande Napoli'', which will lead to a new institutional structure of the territory.

The metropolitan city will be responsible for general territorial planning and infrastructure networks, managing public services of metropolitan scope, mobility and transportation, promoting and coordinating economic and social development, and will have the assets and human resources of the abolished province.

The Province of Naples: History and Renewal with the Metropolitan City.


The Naples Province has marked the history of Campania, with rapid urban expansion and changes to its perimeter over the years. Now the metropolitan city of Naples must live up to its new role, promoting economic and social development in the territory and providing citizens with the services they need.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Monday, Sep 5, 2022