
The History of the Province of Naples

The province of Naples, or ''pruvincia 'e Nàpule'' in Neapolitan dialect, existed for a long time and was one of the Provinces of Italy, located within the Campania region. It succeeded the homonymous Province of Naples that existed during the period of the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, founded in 1806.

During Fascism, Naples expanded and incorporated some of the historic hamlets that are now the outskirts of the city. In 1927, the Neapolitan province further expanded and incorporated the Province of Terra di Lavoro, including the city of Caserta. This decision was unpopular and considered penalizing by most of the local population and politics. However, the choice was supported by Benito Mussolini, who intended to give Naples the necessary territorial breathing room.

In 1945, after the end of World War II and the fall of the Fascist regime, the Bonomi III government established the Province of Caserta, which included most of the Province of Terra di Lavoro, except for Nola and Acerra. In 1937, the islands of Ponza and Ventotene were annexed to the Province of Littoria, now known as the province of Latina.

The Territorial Plan of the Province of Naples

The province of Naples divided its territory into six homogeneous areas within the Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan (PTCP). However, the province was abolished in 2014 following the Italian government's reforms on the reorganization of local autonomies. The province of Naples was thus incorporated into the Metropolitan City of Naples, which assumed most of the tasks of the suppressed province.

The new laws provide for the decentralization of administrative functions to municipalities in the territory. In addition, the plan called ''Great Naples'' aims to create a new institutional structure for the territory. The Metropolitan City will, therefore, be responsible for managing general territorial planning, infrastructure networks, metropolitan public services, mobility and transportation, promotion and coordination of economic and social development.

With the establishment of the Metropolitan City of Naples, it will assume the assets, human and instrumental resources of the suppressed Province. This means that the Metropolitan City will perform most of the tasks that the Province of Naples performed in the past.

The Province of Naples: history and changes in its territorial structure.


The Province of Naples has a long history in the Campania region. Over time, the province has grown and changed, as evidenced by its incorporation of the Province of Terra di Lavoro and the creation of the Metropolitan City of Naples. Today, the Metropolitan City assumes most of the tasks of the previous province, including territorial coordination and public service management. However, the Province of Naples continues to be an important entity in the history of the region and will remain an important reference point for residents and visitors to the area.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, May 25, 2022