
The Province of Naples

The Province of Naples was one of the Italian provinces located in the Campania region. It existed until 2014, when it was abolished to make way for the Metropolitan City of Naples. It was the successor of the ancient Province of Naples, which existed in the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.


During the Fascist era, Naples expanded urbanistically due to the annexation of part of the ancient autonomous villages, which today correspond to the city's peripheral districts. The province of Naples expanded its territory compared to that delimited at the beginning of the 19th century during the French rule, incorporating the districts of ancient "Liburia," including the Pontine Islands.

The decision to suppress the Land of Labor in 1927 was unpopular and considered penalizing by most of the population and local politics, but Mussolini explained that this choice was dictated by the precise will to give Naples the necessary territorial breathing space.

After the end of the war and the fall of the fascist regime, the Bonomi III government established the province of Caserta, including the part of the Land of Labor province passed to the province of Naples, with the exception of the districts of Nola and Acerra.

The Province of Naples: history and suppression

Territorial Plan

The Province of Naples divided the territory into six homogeneous macro-areas in the Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan (PTCP), which became the current areas of the Metropolitan City of Naples. The province was abolished under law n.142/90 with the reform of Article 114 of the Title V and Law 42/2009 on local autonomy.

Following the abolition, administrative functions were decentralized in city municipalities and municipalities in the area, while the Metropolitan City of Naples was responsible for general territorial planning and infrastructure networks, management of public services in the metropolitan area, mobility and transport, promotion and coordination of economic and social development. The latter will have to perform the fundamental tasks of the Province and will have the assets and human and instrumental resources of the abolished Province.

In summary, the suppression of the Province of Naples represented a necessary choice for the reorganization of the territory and the creation of the Metropolitan City of Naples, which will have to perform the essential functions of the Province, while also planning and coordinating the economic and social development of the Naples metropolitan area.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Feb 27, 2022