
Welcome to Arluno

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover some information about Arluno? This city is located in the Lombardy region, in the metropolitan city of Milan. Arluno has a population of 12,269 people and is located 156 meters above sea level.

Let's discover the meaning of the name

Many theories try to explain the origin of the name "Arluno". According to one of these, the name would derive from the "Aruleni", an ancient Insurbian family that owned a villa with orchards in the Arluno area. Other theories propose that the name derives from Gallic or Celtic. Finally, there is also the hypothesis that the name derives from the Latin "Ara Lunae" (Altar of the moon), but this theory has been debunked.

Arluno: discover its history and places of interest.

The history of Arluno

Arluno has a very interesting history: an important archaeological finding of Roman coins dating back to the 2nd century was discovered, which shows that the Romans crossed this area, but it is not certain that there were Roman settlements. Around the year 1200, Arluno had about 400 inhabitants and three small churches. In 1574, the population was estimated at 860 people. In the 17th century, Arluno became a fief of the Pozzobonelli family, and Cardinal Giuseppe Pozzobonelli commissioned architect Giulio Galliori to rebuild the church of Saints Peter and Paul.

Places of interest

Arluno offers several places to visit. One of these is the church of Saints Peter and Paul, rebuilt in 1762 and then consecrated in 1775 by Cardinal Giuseppe Pozzobonelli. This church has a sober but elegant architecture and is definitely worth a visit. Another place to see is the Bruett courtyard, which was built by order of the Litta family during the Renaissance period and was an important commercial and administrative center of the town. Arluno is also very close to the Ticino river, which represents a great destination to relax and enjoy nature.


As you can see, Arluno has a very interesting history and offers many opportunities for those who want to visit the city and discover more about it. The church of Saints Peter and Paul is undoubtedly one of the main places of interest, but the Bruett courtyard and the Ticino river are also places not to be missed. Which place interests you the most? Come and visit Arluno and find out for yourself!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 3, 2023