
Sedriano: a small Lombard town

Hello friends,

Today I am talking to you about Sedriano, a municipality within the metropolitan city of Milan in Lombardy. Despite being a town of only 12,512 inhabitants, it has an ancient and fascinating history. Let's discover together the origins of its name, the physical geography of the territory, and its history.

Sedriano: history and geography of a Lombard municipality.

Physical geography


Sedriano is located between 135 and 151 meters above sea level, with an average altitude of 145 meters above sea level. The town borders on the municipalities of Vittuone, Cisliano, Bareggio, Arluno, Vanzago, and Pregnana Milanese. Furthermore, it is part of the Southern Milan Agricultural Park, which extends over an area of 780 hectares.

Origins of the name

The origin of Sedriano's name is still uncertain today, but numerous hypotheses have been put forward. Some argue that it is derived from a Roman gens settled there, while others believe it derives from the Latin noun sator, meaning sower, due to the fertility of the land. It is also thought to be linked to the Lombards, with the hypothesis of a place name derived from desiderianum, meaning of King Desiderio, or from the presence of Arian Lombards, which could have led to the name Sedes Arianorum.



It is not known exactly when Sedriano was founded, but it is believed to have happened around the 1st century BC. It was a small Roman village located along the ancient consular road that connected Milan to Transalpine Gaul.

From the Lombard period to the Late Middle Ages

In 569, the Lombards arrived in Milan, conquering the surrounding areas. It is believed that Sedriano was founded by the Lombards, or may have Roman or Lombard origins. Subsequent documents attest to the presence of Lombard people in the area, such as the tomb of a Lombard warrior dating back to the 6th-7th century, and the 1020 document regarding the sale of goods by a certain Liutulfo of Sedriano, a name of Lombard origin.

From the Middle Ages to the Late Renaissance

Starting from the 12th century, Sedriano began to frequently appear in historical documents. In fact, it gave birth to historically significant figures such as Rogerio da Sedriano, an important Milanese judge, Gabriele da Sedriano, a ciseleur and armorer at the Milanese court, and Giovanni da Sedriano, a printer who built the first printing press in Pavia.

In conclusion, Sedriano may seem like a small and little-known municipality, but it has an ancient and interesting history. Its name is still a topic of discussion, but there are many theories regarding it. Additionally, the territory is characterized by an average altitude of 145 meters above sea level and is part of the Southern Milan Agricultural Park. Finally, the town gave birth to figures who left their mark on Italian history.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Nov 20, 2022