
Serino: a mountain municipality in Campania

Serino is a municipality located in the province of Avellino, in Campania, with a population of 6,615 inhabitants. It is situated at an average altitude of 416 meters above sea level and is part of the Terminio Cervialto mountain community. It is crossed by various watercourses such as the Vallone delle Barre, the Ferrarese stream and the Sabato river, which is 45 km long.

The municipal territory of Serino is part of the seismic district of Irpinia and suffered severe damage during the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, which caused 10 deaths, injured 33 people and left over 1,000 people homeless.

Origins of the name and history

The name Serino has ancient origins and is believed to derive from the ancient Oscan "sarino", which means "clear", a reference to the pure water sources found in the area. However, another theory is that the name derives from the adjective "sereno" due to the clarity of the sky in Serino.

The history of Serino is ancient and has been influenced by various eras, including the Roman era. One of the most important historical monuments in the municipality is the Roman aqueduct of Serino, which was built in the 1st century AD and still delivers water to the town center today.

Serino: a millennial history between art and nature in the mountains.

Monuments and places of interest

In addition to the Roman aqueduct, Serino also has a Franciscan convent dating back to the 14th century, which still houses a community of friars today. There are also various religious buildings, such as the church of San Giuseppe, the church of San Biagio and the church of San Sossio.

Anthropical geography and economy

Serino is one of the largest municipalities in the province of Avellino and is divided into 24 fractions. The economy of the municipality is mainly based on the processing of food products, such as hazelnuts and chestnuts, but in recent years the presence of a pest insect has caused a serious crisis in the chestnut sector.

Administration and curiosities

The current mayor of Serino is Antonio Di Gregorio and the municipality does not have twinning with other cities. In addition, in Serino, the Irpinian dialect is spoken alongside Italian.

Finally, it is interesting to note that Mount Terminio, which is located near Serino, takes its name from the Roman god to whom it was dedicated, as it served as a boundary between two provinces of the empire.


Serino is a mountain municipality in Campania with an ancient history and many monuments of historical and religious interest. The economy is mainly based on the processing of food products, but in recent times it has been hit by a serious crisis in the chestnut sector. Despite the seismic events that have affected the area, Serino is still a fascinating and pleasant place to live or visit.

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, May 25, 2022