San Lupo

Welcome to San Lupo: a historic town in Campania

San Lupo is a small Italian town located in the province of Benevento, in the Campania region. With a population of 720 inhabitants and an altitude range of 774 meters, San Lupo is a very suggestive place, where you can find historical and cultural evidence of great importance.

The physical geography of San Lupo

San Lupo enjoys a privileged geographic position, with a minimum altitude of 121 meters and a maximum of 895 meters above sea level. This means that the landscape is varied and suggestive, with green hills, lush forests, and breathtaking landscapes.

San Lupo: a historic municipality immersed in nature and culture.

The history of San Lupo

The name San Lupo comes from the French bishop of the same name, who owned the ancient abbey of San Lupo in Benevento in 837. During the Norman period, the town became a feudal demesne and passed to the Metropolitan Chapter of Benevento under the jurisdiction of the Vicar Capitular. Later, San Lupo became the property of the Carafa family until the abolition of feudalism in 1806. The earthquake of June 5, 1688, destroyed much of the town, but it was immediately rebuilt.

Monuments and places of interest in San Lupo

San Lupo is characterized by its suggestive historic center, with narrow alleys and arches that create a medieval atmosphere. The Church of San Giovanni Battista is the most important place of worship in the town, where you can admire the statue of San Lupo created by the sculptor Giacomo Colombo in 1708. The Sant'Angelo fountain is another place of great interest, made in 1614 with local stone, featuring masks and female figures interspersed with three water jets. The Iacobelli Palace is another example of eighteenth-century architecture, which once hosted King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies during his stay in the town.

The society of San Lupo

San Lupo has seen a demographic decline in recent years, but the inhabitants of the small town have been able to preserve their cultural and historical identity. There has been a decline in birth rates and an increase in the elderly population, but the inhabitants have shown solidarity in preserving local traditions.

The culture of San Lupo

The town of San Lupo hosts many cultural and folklore events throughout the year, such as the patron saint festival of San Lupo, which takes place from July 27 to 29. During the festival, the inhabitants of the town dress in traditional costumes and parade through the streets, creating a suggestive atmosphere of festivity and joy.

The Janare stream

One of the most important legends of the province of Benevento is that of the "Witches of Benevento and the Janare," who according to tradition used to meet near a Juglans tree for their Sabbatic rites. San Lupo hosts the Janare stream, crossed by a stone bridge called the "Witches' Bridge." This magical and suggestive place continues to fascinate tourists and visitors from all over the world.

San Lupo is a historic town, where history and culture merge into a single magical and suggestive place. The inhabitants of the town are proud of their cultural identity and their history and strive every day to preserve local traditions and make their small town known to the whole world.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Jan 23, 2023