Cerreto Sannita

Cerreto Sannita: a place with a timeless charm

A brief introduction to the Municipality of Cerreto Sannita

Cerreto Sannita is a municipality in the province of Benevento in Campania with a population of approximately 3,592. The town has a history rich in events, and has seen noble families such as the Sanframondo and Carafa pass through its lands. Today, the town is mainly known for the production of ceramics.

Cerreto Sannita: history, geography, and art of ceramics.

Physical Geography


The historic center of Cerreto Sannita is located in the valley of the Titerno River, surrounded by the Turio and Cappuccino streams, at the foot of the Matese Regional Park. The municipality covers an area of 33.3 km² and was much larger before the Unification of Italy, including the hamlets of Civitella Licinio and San Lorenzello.

The municipal territory is mainly hilly, surrounded by reliefs including Monte Erbano and Monte Cigno to the west, and Mont'Alto and Monte Coppe to the north.


The waterways that cross Cerreto Sannita are mainly streams, locally called "valloni". The Titerno, the most important, originates in Pietraroja and crosses the municipality's territory after passing through the gorge between the Erbano and Cigno mountains. The Turio stream, which originates near the "Madonna della Libera" locality, runs through the town to the west before flowing into the Titerno. The Cappuccini stream, which brushes the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace, is named after the Capuchin friars. Finally, the Selvatico stream owes its name to the frequent floods it caused in past centuries.

History of Cerreto Sannita

The Sanframondo feud and the transfer to the Carafa

Cerreto Sannita was once a fiefdom of the Sanframondo family, who had possession of it from 1151 to 1460. In 1483, the fief passed to the Carafa, another noble family in the area.

The rebellion of 1737

In the seventeenth century, Cerreto Sannita became the seat of the bishops of the Telesina diocese, which in 1986 became the Cerreto Sannita-Telese-Sant'Agata de' Goti diocese. However, in 1737 the town rebelled against the Carafa counts due to the exorbitant taxes they imposed and the climate of policing they had imposed on the people of Cerreto, bringing the wool processing industry to its knees. The Carafa sent mercenaries to quell the revolt, but this led to violence and arbitrary imprisonments. Only the intervention of King Charles III of Spain allowed the restoration of legality and justice for the people of Cerreto.

The reconstruction of the city

After the earthquake of June 5, 1688, which destroyed much of the city, Cerreto Sannita was rebuilt according to the design of Giovanni Battista Manni, at the behest of Count Marzio Carafa and his brother Marino Carafa. The reconstruction of the entire town was carried out with great care, following a precise regular pattern.

Ceramic production

Cerreto Sannita is mainly known for its ceramic production, an activity with ancient roots. As early as the eighteenth century, clay was extracted from the banks of the Titerno stream for the production of ceramics. Through the centuries, the production of ceramics has become a highly appreciated art, thanks to the quality of the products manufactured. Even today, many artisanal shops can be found in the historic center of Cerreto Sannita and in the surrounding villages.


Cerreto Sannita is a place with timeless charm, a municipality immersed in nature that has preserved the traces of its ancient history. Ceramic production is just one of the artisanal activities that animate the area and contribute to the preservation of the tradition and cultural heritage of these places.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022