
A city with many facets

Hello friends! Today we're going to talk about Turin, a city with many interesting facets. With its 842,472 inhabitants, Turin is the fourth largest municipality in Italy by population and is the heart of a metropolitan area with around 1.7 million inhabitants. But Turin is much more than that.

Physical geography

Turin is located in the Po Valley, delimited by the Stura di Lanzo, Sangone and the mighty Po rivers, which runs through the city from south to north. Turin is also facing the mouth of some of the most beautiful Italian alpine valleys: the Val di Susa, which connects the city with neighboring France through the Frejus tunnels, Valli di Lanzo, Val Sangone.

Turin: a city with many facets

A two-thousand-year history

Turin is a city with a two-thousand-year history, founded around the 3rd century BC by the Taurini and transformed into a Roman colony by Augustus in the 1st century BC. After the Ostrogothic rule, it became the capital of an important Duchy of Turin, and then passed under the nominal lordship of the House of Savoy in the 11th century. In 1563 it became capital and from 1720 it was the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia, which in the 19th century led to the Risorgimento and which made Turin the first Capital of the Kingdom of Italy (from 1861 to 1865).

Cultural and artistic center

Turin confirms itself as an extremely important cultural, artistic and scientific center. In fact, its territory includes areas and buildings included in two UNESCO-protected sites: some palaces and areas belonging to the circuit of Savoy residences in Piedmont (world heritage) and the area of the Po hills (biosphere reserve). Turin also constitutes one of the major university, artistic, tourist, scientific and cultural poles in Italy.

Industrial and technological center

Hello friends, are you ready to learn more about Turin's industrial side? Turin is the third largest complex of economy and industrial production in Italy, along with Milan and Genoa. It is the hub of the Italian automotive industry, as well as an important center for publishing, banking and insurance, information technology, cinema, food and wine, the space sector, industrial design, sports, fashion, and artificial intelligence. Turin also hosted the 1911 International Exhibition and the XX Winter Olympic Games in 2006.

Global Gamma city

Finally, the constant growth in importance at the international level has made Turin reach the rank of a global city in the Gamma category, the third Italian city after Milan and Rome. Turin therefore represents a city with multiple facets, with a predominant importance at the industrial level, but with a well-developed cultural and artistic heart.

I hope I have helped you appreciate and learn more about this splendid Italian city!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Dec 12, 2022