Montenero Val Cocchiara

Montenero Val Cocchiara: History and Territory

Welcome to Montenero Val Cocchiara, a small Italian municipality with a history dating back to the 11th century. Originally called Mons Niger, it was a fiefdom of the Monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno until it was taken by the Borrello counts in 1039. The town changed hands many times, passing from the Borrello to the di Sangro to the Doria and finally to its current name in 1880. Today, it is an agricultural center located in an arid, almost karst landscape, on an important hill overlooking the valley known as Pantano della Zittola.

The Church of S. Maria di Loreto

The first concrete information about the existence of a church and its parish (which was once called plebs) is found in a parchment that Pope Lucio III sent in 1182 to Rainaldo, bishop of Isernia-Venafro, where the current name of the town first appears. The Church of S. Maria di Loreto has been transformed repeatedly over time and is easily reached by following the road that passes in front of the rural chapel of the Madonna Incoronata. After passing through an arch that was one of the gates of the oldest nucleus, one has the impression of being the protagonist of a dramatic appearance for hypothetical spectators waiting down below in a welcoming stone-paved plaza. A series of articulated inclined planes, railings and stairs bearing decorative signs from the 18th century, with stone benches and baroque volutes, frame the façade of the Church of S. Maria di Loreto. In addition to a beautiful portal from 1782, it has a powerful bell tower that seems made on purpose to monitor the entrance to the suggestive south-facing loggia, overlooking the entire town.

Montenero Val Cocchiara: history, church, and territory.

The Territory

Montenero Val Cocchiara is located in the upper basin of the Sangro River and is situated on the border with Abruzzo. The territory is characterized by an arid and almost karst landscape overlooking the Pantano della Zittola valley. The territory is suitable for agriculture and the population is mainly dedicated to the cultivation of cereals, vegetables and animal grazing.


The original name of Montenero Val Cocchiara, Mons Niger, means black mountain and probably refers to the dark color of the rock that makes up the hill on which the town stands. Also very interesting is the presence of Malacocchiara, an ancient settlement about 3 miles from the town, which belonged to the fierce Borrello counts along with Montenero Val Cocchiara. Malacocchiara is located in the Pantano valley on the slopes of Mount Corvale and is currently difficult to locate, but research is underway to find it.


Montenero Val Cocchiara is a small Italian municipality with a history dating back to the 11th century. The presence of the Church of S. Maria di Loreto is very interesting, as it has been repeatedly transformed over time and today it is possible to admire the beautiful portal from 1782, the powerful bell tower and the suggestive south-facing loggia that overlooks the entire town. The territory is suitable for agriculture and the population is mainly dedicated to the cultivation of cereals, vegetables and animal grazing. Additionally, the presence of Malacocchiara, an ancient settlement about 3 miles from the town, makes the history of Montenero Val Cocchiara even more interesting.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Feb 13, 2022