Welcome to the province of Isernia!
Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the beautiful province of Isernia, located in the Molise region. With its 80,006 inhabitants, it is the least populated province in Italy, but no less interesting for that! In total, there are 52 municipalities within its territory, many of which do not exceed a thousand inhabitants. However, there are four municipalities that stand out from the others for their socio-economic importance, namely Isernia, Venafro, Agnone and Frosolone, whose combination of coats of arms forms the provincial coat of arms.
Physical geography
Regarding the physical geography of the province of Isernia, the territory is predominantly mountainous, except towards the southwest where the mountains give way to hills and plains, such as the plain of Venafro. The province borders Abruzzo (provinces of L'Aquila and Chieti) to the north, the province of Campobasso to the east, Campania (province of Caserta) to the south, and Lazio (province of Frosinone) to the west.

The province of Isernia includes three main mountain ranges. The first, located to the northwest, is the chain of the Montagne della Meta, to which the Mainarde belong. Here are the municipalities belonging to the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, namely Pizzone, Castel San Vincenzo, Rocchetta a Volturno, Scapoli and Filignano. This mountain chain hosts the highest peaks in the province, namely Monte Mare (2,020 m above sea level) and Monte Marrone (1,805 m above sea level).
The Matese mountain range is located south of the province and marks the border with the province of Caserta. Here are the municipalities of Sant'Agapito, Pettoranello, Monteroduni, Longano, Castelpizzuto, Castelpetroso, Roccamandolfi and Cantalupo nel Sannio. The most important mountains in this range are Monte Miletto with its 2050 m above sea level, Monte Patalecchia with 1400 m above sea level, and Colle di Mezzo (1,426 m above sea level).
The Montagnola Molisana is located in the southeast of the province and is composed of the municipalities of Frosolone, Civitanova del Sannio and Macchiagodena.
Finally, the Venafro mountains surround the homonymous plain and exceed 1000 meters in altitude. They affect the municipalities of Venafro, Sesto Campano, Conca Casale and Pozzilli. This limestone and dolomitic limestone ridge is characterized by steep spurs. Among the highest peaks are Monte Sambucaro (1,205 m above sea level), Monte Cesima (1,180 m above sea level), Monte Corno (1,054 m above sea level), Monte Cerino or Santa Croce (1,026 m above sea level), Colle San Domenico (921 m above sea level) and Monte Calvello (874 m above sea level).
Finally, the mountains of Alto Molise include the northernmost municipalities, including the most important Capracotta and Agnone. The main mountains of this massif are Monte Campo (1745 m above sea level) and Monte Capraro (1,679 m above sea level).
In conclusion, the province of Isernia is a small but charming province that offers mountainous, hilly, and flat landscapes. If you want to immerse yourself in unspoiled nature, visit small ancient villages, and enjoy the local cuisine, this could be the right province for you! Thank you for reading this brief summary and we hope we have made you eager to discover Molise!