
Welcome to Castellucchio!

If you're looking for a beautiful town surrounded by nature in Lombardy, then Castellucchio is the perfect place for you. This municipality, located in the central area of the province of Mantua, is the ideal place for lovers of tranquility and outdoor life.

Discover Castellucchio's physical geography

The municipality of Castellucchio borders Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, Rodigo, Curtatone, and Marcaria. It is easily reachable only 22 km from Mantua. The territory is made up of various hamlets, including Sarginesco, Ospitaletto, and Gabbiana, the latter two of which are divided in half between Castellucchio and Marcaria.

Castellucchio: history, geography, and nature of Lombardy.

Origins of the name

The name Castellucchio derives from the Latin "castrum" and means "small fortification" or "castle of Lucio."

Discover the history of Castellucchio

The first information about the area dates back to the period in which Emperor Henry III the Black confirmed possession of it to the bishop of Mantua. Later, the territory passed under the lordship of the Canossa and Gonzaga families. Castellucchio had a castle rebuilt in 1379 by order of Ludovico I Gonzaga, and then renovated under the rule of Ludovico II Gonzaga. During the War of Spanish Succession, the village was devastated by German and French troops. In the 19th century, it was visited several times by Napoleon Bonaparte, who ordered the restoration of the communication road to Mantua, dedicating it to his wife with the name of "Giuseppina road." After the war, the municipality became part of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Explore Castellucchio's territory

Castellucchio is located on the sides of the State Road 10 Padana Inferiore and is surrounded by fertile countryside rich in water and numerous crops. It is located between rivers such as the Oglio and the Mincio, which with their tributaries create landscapes of notable environmental interest. The Seriola Gozzolina and the Osone canal are two waterways that run through the Castellucchio territory, giving rise to a beautiful natural landscape. About 2 km away, the Osone stream is divided by a hydraulic work built during the Bonacolsi period, ancient Lords of Mantua. The Old Osone flows into the original course, up to the Lago Superiore, while the New Osone is channeled southwards, up to the Rocca di Montanara.


Castellucchio is a place that enchants for its naturalistic beauty and its millennium-old history. With castles, fortifications, and illustrious visits, this Mantuan municipality represents a perfect place to relax, enjoy the peace and tranquility offered by the countryside. Come and discover Castellucchio and fall in love with Lombardy!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Feb 5, 2023