
Welcome to the province of Mantova: a territory between Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna

Hello everyone and welcome to the province of Mantova! A territory wedged between three Italian regions: Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna. The province has a population of 404,750 inhabitants and is surrounded by provinces such as Verona, Rovigo, Ferrara and Reggio Emilia.

The physical geography of Mantova: plains and rivers

The province of Mantova is mainly flat, but has some hilly and gently undulating areas. A peculiar characteristic of this territory are the numerous inland waters: the rivers Po, Oglio, Chiese and Mincio run through the province of Mantova. The Mincio forms the two lakes of Mantova, the only significant lakes entirely extended in the Po Valley.

Mantua: between rivers and plains, history and nature.

The division of the province of Mantova: Upper, Lower and Middle Mantovano

The province of Mantova is usually divided into three sectors: Upper Mantovano, Lower Mantovano or Oltrepò Mantovano and Middle Mantovano. Each area presents small cultural and linguistic differences, but overall every place is perfect to discover the province as a whole.

History of the province of Mantova: from the Duchy of Mantova to the present day

The province of Mantova has a deep and important past, largely corresponding to the old Duchy of Mantova that then became a sovereign state of international law. In 1815 the Province of Mantova succeeded the Napoleonic Department of Mincio with the union of Lombardy-Veneto. During the Battle of Solferino and San Martino in 1859, the Franco-Piedmontese troops conquered Lombardy up to the right bank of the Mincio, and the subsequent Villafranca Armistice of June 11, 1859 between France and Austria defined new temporary borders, splitting the Mantovano in two which was crossed by the new international border.

We await you in the province of Mantova

Here is a brief summary of the province of Mantova: a territory between Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, characterized by rivers and plains. The Mantuan territory is divided into three sectors, each place perfect to discover. The history of the province of Mantova has deep and important roots, and the whole territory deserves a visit. We await you in the province of Mantova!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022