Gazoldo degli Ippoliti

Discovering Gazoldo degli Ippoliti

Hello everyone! Today we are exploring Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, a municipality in Lombardy with a fascinating history and several natural and cultural beauties that are worth visiting.

Physical Geography

Gazoldo degli Ippoliti is located in the Po Valley between the Oglio and Mincio rivers. Its location makes it an ideal starting point for excursions in the area. The municipality has an average altitude of 34 meters above sea level and an area of 12.9 km², which includes the fraction of San Fermo. Among the main attractions not to be missed is the Modern Art Museum of Gazoldo, which is located in a beautiful 16th century villa belonging to the local feudal lords.

If you want to visit Gazoldo, you can reach it by car via the provincial road 1 from Piubega to the west or through the via Postumia, a Roman road that connects the municipality to the surrounding cities.

Gazoldo degli Ippoliti: history and beauty of the Lombard municipality.


Origins and Toponymy

The history of Gazoldo degli Ippoliti is intertwined with that of ancient Rome, thanks to the proximity of the Via Postumia, one of the major communication routes of the Roman Empire. Although there is no concrete evidence, it is believed that in Roman times Gazoldo was a stopping place for travelers.

Gazoldo and its territory were part of the centuriazione of Mantova in the 1st century BC, as confirmed by the lament of Publius Vergilius Maro about the proximity of Cremona, which led to the partition of the lands of Mantova among Augustus's veterans.

The etymology of the toponym Gazoldo is linked to the Germanic culture of the Lombards, who used the term "gahagium" to indicate a fenced forest. The term was transformed into "gahaio, gagium" and finally into "godium" or "gazium" in Latin. The adjective "oltum" became "olt" in the toponym Gazoldo, which means "high outlawed forest".


Here is a brief overview of Gazoldo degli Ippoliti. A municipality immersed in nature and rich in history, among the hills of Lombardy. We hope that this article has piqued your curiosity and that you can visit this beautiful village on your next day trip. Among Roman roads, modern art museums and unspoiled nature, you won't regret it!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Sep 2, 2022