San Valentino


Hello friends! Today we're talking about a very romantic holiday: Valentine's Day. This lovers' holiday is celebrated on February 14th in many countries around the world. It's a special day to surprise your loved one or spend time together. But who was Saint Valentine? Let's find out together!


In Italy, there are several cities and villages named after Saint Valentine. For example, San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore, a small municipality in the province of Pescara, where the church dedicated to the saint is located. There are also San Valentino Torio in the province of Salerno, San Valentino a Curon Venosta in the province of Bolzano, and San Valentino della Collina in the province of Perugia. In many of these cities, the saint is celebrated with processions and religious ceremonies.

Saint Valentine: the patron saint of lovers and martyrs.


There are many saints named Valentine, but the most well-known is certainly Saint Valentine of Terni. He was a bishop and martyr who was killed by a Roman emperor because he refused to convert to paganism. He is said to have helped many couples in love, and for this reason, he became the patron saint of lovers. His feast day is celebrated on February 14th, and on this day, gifts are exchanged and romantic surprises are made for the loved one.

But there are also other saints who bear this name, such as Saint Valentine of Trier, bishop of a diocese in Germany, or Saint Valentine of Viterbo, a priest who was martyred in the city where he lived. Other saints with this name were martyred in various Italian cities, such as Ravenna or Viterbo. There is also a Saint Valentine who was a missionary bishop in Raetia, modern-day Switzerland, in the 4th century.

Related Pages

If you want to learn more, there are many other pages to consult about Saint Valentine. For example, you can read about churches dedicated to the saint in many Italian cities. Or, you can discover other names of saints or cities with this name. Additionally, if you're thinking of giving a gift to your loved one, you can find countless ideas online to create the perfect surprise.

Here are all the details about Saint Valentine! It's a truly romantic and special holiday that reminds us of the importance of love in our lives. I hope I've given you some useful information and, why not, some ideas to celebrate your sweetheart. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Wednesday, Jan 11, 2023