
Welcome to Zuglio, the northernmost Roman city in Italy!

We are pleased to introduce you to Zuglio, a small town in the heart of the But Valley, in the alpine region of Carnia. Here, you can relive the history of the northernmost Roman city in Italy thanks to the remains of the Roman Forum and the numerous archaeological artifacts preserved at the Iulium Carnicum Archaeological Museum.

Physical geography

Zuglio is located in the But Valley or San Pietro Canal, on the right bank of the But river. The area is surrounded by nature and offers numerous hiking trails with breathtaking views. The town is surrounded by three villages: Sezza, Fielis and Formeaso, where you can directly experience the local culture and discover the beauties of the Friulian hinterland.

Zuglio: the most northern Roman city in Italy.


Zuglio is a town with ancient origins: founded between 58 and 49 BC as a vicus and becoming a colony in the 1st century AD, the Roman city of "Iulium Carnicum" has assumed greater importance due to its strategic location, near the so-called Via Iulia Augusta. Today, you can still admire the remains of the rectangular Roman Forum, paved with limestone slabs, surrounded by a portico closed to the south by the civil basilica and to the north by a temple, with remains of statues and stone and bronze decorations.

Monuments and places of interest

The Iulium Carnicum Archaeological Museum, opened in 1995, preserves the remains of the Roman city excavations started already in the 19th century. Here you can admire statues, stone and bronze decorations and discover the history of the ancient city of Zuglio.

In the town of Zuglio, about three kilometers from the town center, there is also the Pieve di San Pietro in Carnia, one of the oldest in Friuli and at various times the episcopal seat in the early Middle Ages. This church, surrounded by the greenery and silence of the Friulian countryside, offers a unique spiritual experience.


Zuglio has about 550 inhabitants who use Italian and Friulian language, in particular the Carnic variant. The community is very welcoming and open to visitors, ready to offer hospitality and share local traditions.


The community of Zuglio is administered by a mayor and a city council, who manage the activities of the city and preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the area.


We invite you to visit Zuglio, an ideal destination for those who love art, culture and nature. Here you can discover the ancient history of the Roman city of "Iulium Carnicum", admire archaeological artifacts and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding landscape. The local community awaits you with open arms, ready to welcome you with its warm hospitality!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Sep 12, 2022