
Welcome to Zugliano!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful municipality located in the province of Vicenza, named Zugliano. With its 6,835 inhabitants, Zugliano is a very welcoming place with a charming landscape located on the right of the Astico River.

Physical geography

The territory of Zugliano extends from the Bregonze hills to the foothills of Sarcedo. The plain that was here until a few decades ago was marshy, as evidenced by the name "Pescare". The terrain is two-thirds hilly, with the highest point being Monte di Valle, which reaches a height of 345 meters. The remaining third of the territory is flat and is crossed by the Igna river, which originates in the municipality of Carrè and continues towards the Sarcedo area.

The climate is mild all year round and favors the cultivation of vines, olive trees, and horticulture. In fact, in the territory of Zugliano there are also extensive wooded areas where black hornbeam, Robinia, common Ash, and oak trees are predominantly seen.

Zugliano: history and enchanting landscape.

Origin of the names

The municipality of Zugliano almost certainly derives from the Latin proper name "Iulianum", which means "fundus Julii" or "Julianus", which means Giulio or Giuliano's estate. "Centrale" lends itself to various interpretations: for some it means "center of the valley", while for others the toponym derives from the family that had its feud here. Finally, "Grumolo Pedemonte" probably means "set of small hills at the foot of the mountain" and is located on a series of hills in a pleasant and sheltered position.


Ancient times and Middle Ages

The territory of Zugliano was inhabited by the Veneti, as evidenced by the archaeological finds from the 4th century BC and "the Veneti's trail". In Roman times, instead, the territory became a "vicus".

From the Lombard period of domination, there were discoveries of a small necropolis with ten warriors buried together with their military equipment.

In the 8th and 9th centuries, the church of Santa Maria was erected in Zugliano, followed by the chapels of SS. Fermo and Rustico and San Zenone, the latter of clear Benedictine origin. In the 9th century, during the Benedictine religious renewal period, many lands were reclaimed.

Donations and feudal past

In 917, the Emperor Berengario of Friuli donated the entire territory between the left bank of the Astico and the right bank of the Brenta, including the Asiago plateau, to the bishop Sibicone of Padua, asking him to build castles and defense works against the Hungarian invasions.

The first historical datum concerning Zugliano dates back to 983 and is represented by a passage from the "Privilegium" of the bishop of Vicenza Rodolfo. In the passage, extensive properties are assigned or confirmed to the Basilica dei Santi Felice and Fortunato on the territory, and it reads "in Zullano caxale usum".


In conclusion, Zugliano is a municipality with a long history and a charming landscape. It is both a historic site and a location of natural beauty. What better way to discover what an Italian city has to offer?! Come visit Zugliano to learn more about its origins and its unique natural beauty.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Dec 2, 2022