
Discovering Zuccarello: a journey in Liguria

Welcome to the town of Zuccarello, located in the beautiful region of Liguria. Zuccarello is an ancient medieval village founded in 1248 by the Marchesato di Clavesana and was the capital of the Marchesato di Zuccarello from the 14th to the 17th century. Today, the territory of Zuccarello is inhabited by 277 people and is located in the Neva river valley, surrounded by peaks such as Poggio Grande, Monte Arena, and Poggio Monfalcone.

A bit of history: from origins to the Marchesato di Zuccarello

Zuccarello was founded in 1248 when local representatives of the population of Neva, the ancient Vallis Cohedani, and the Marchesato di Clavesana Bonifacio III, Emanuele I, and Francesco I decided to create a new fief. Already in the Middle Ages, due to its strategic location, the village was contested by various noble factions. In 1326, the marriage between Enrico Del Carretto and Caterina, daughter of Enrico II of Clavesana, brought half of the territories of Zuccarello and Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena to the Del Carretto family; in 1335, the Del Carretto family acquired the remaining two fiefs from Giacomo Saluzzo, husband of Argentina, another daughter of the Marchese di Clavesana. With Carlo I Del Carretto, Zuccarello became the seat of the Marchesato di Zuccarello and subjugated many other territories, villages, and fortifications.

Zuccarello: history, art and nature in Liguria.

The Republic of Genoa and the transfer to the Duke of Savoy

In the course of 1567, the Republic of Genoa acquired a third of the fief from Marchese Gio Antonio Del Carretto, granting it the right of pre-emption. In 1588, the Marquess of Zuccarello, Scipione Del Carretto, sold the part of his fief to Duke Carlo Emanuele I of Savoy for the sum of 60,000 gold scudi and obtained other monetary privileges for his family. However, the transfer was challenged by the Republic of Genoa, which asked Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg to annul the decision.

The territories of Zuccarello

Today, the town of Zuccarello is a place of great charm where you can admire historic buildings such as the church of San Bartolomeo, the bell tower and the Palazzo Viale-Marsiglio. The territory of Zuccarello also offers many outdoor activities such as hiking and trekking on Poggio Grande, Monte Arena, and Poggio Monfalcone. The medieval village is a place of great historical and cultural interest where you can discover Ligurian traditions and taste the typical cuisine of the region.

In summary, Zuccarello is a medieval gem of Liguria that encapsulates the history and beauty of the surrounding territory. Visiting it means immersing yourself in a unique atmosphere, made of art, culture, and nature. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this small town in the Ligurian Alps.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022