
Welcome to Zovencedo, the jewel of the Berici Hills

If you're looking for a charming place to spend a day surrounded by nature, history, and culture, then Zovencedo is the perfect destination for you. This enchanting town in Veneto is located in the province of Vicenza and counts about 795 inhabitants.

Physical Geography: A breathtaking landscape

Zovencedo is characterized by a truly privileged location. The town extends over gentle hills that are part of the Berici Hills, offering stunning panoramic views and charming atmospheres. Here you can admire towering peaks such as the Dolomites, the Monte Cimone di Tonezza, and the Apennines.

But the wonders of Zovencedo don't stop here. Its flora is rich in hornbeam, Quercus petraea, and chestnut woods, while numerous paths will lead you to discover old stone "masiere," typical terraced fields where our ancestors cultivated vegetable gardens and vineyards.

Furthermore, you can't miss out on the Calto Valley, a real natural spectacle where the Liona River flows. Here you will find an ancient medieval village still well preserved, as well as numerous soft stone quarries.

Zovencedo: nature, history and culture in the jewel of Berici Hills

Climate: A heartwarming atmosphere

The climate in Zovencedo is mild and humid, just like that of submontane areas. Thanks to its location, you can enjoy a pleasant breeze that refreshes the air during the summer months. But don't be fooled, because autumn here is magical, with its warm colors and still pleasant temperatures.

History: Between archaeological finds and historical documents

The origin of Zovencedo dates back to the Middle Ages, as demonstrated by numerous archaeological finds and some historical documents. The parish of San Nicola di Mira, the town's capital, dates back to the year 1000 and in the twelfth century had been made autonomous by Barbarano.

But the evidence of the town's history is many: it is said, for example, that until 1300 the bishop of Trent sent German-speaking priests to celebrate mass, and the parish of San Gottardo dates back to even 1400.

Symbols: The coat of arms and flag of Zovencedo

The coat of arms and flag of Zovencedo were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1954. The silver coat of arms depicts a tree thriving on a green hill, surrounded by a vine plant with a bunch of grapes. There is also a grazing cow, all in natural colors. The flag, instead, is a blue drape.

Monuments and Places of Interest: The Castle of Zovencedo

If you are a history enthusiast, you can't miss the ruins of the medieval castle of Zovencedo, which is part of the vast "curtis de Barbarano." This property had been donated to the bishops of Vicenza by Kings Hugh and Lothair of Provence between 926-946. It is not mentioned in the imperial diploma of Otto III of 1000, but it must have acquired greater importance in the following centuries, perhaps also thanks to its strategic location.

In summary, Zovencedo is a magical and charming place that offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience. With its pristine nature and millennial history, it is the ideal place to spend a dream day.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022