
Zollino: a small town in Salento where ancient Greek is still spoken

Hello friends! Today I'll tell you about Zollino, a small town in the heart of Puglia, in the province of Lecce. With only 1,896 inhabitants, it is one of the nine municipalities that make up Grecìa Salentina, a Hellenic-speaking area where ancient Greek is still spoken.

Who are the inhabitants of Zollino?

The inhabitants of Zollino are nicknamed "cufiari" by the inhabitants of other towns in Grecìa Salentina. But where does this name come from? It derives from the Greek adjective "kùfios", which means "empty" or "vacant". However, figuratively, it can also mean "foolish" or "silly". In fact, the verb "cufiàzo" means "to act foolishly" or "to be silly".

Zollino: the Salento city that still speaks ancient Greek.

Origin of the name Zollino

There are several theories about the name of the town. The most accredited is that it derives from "Soletino", a small fraction of Soleto, which transformed into "Solino" and "Sollino". However, according to a second hypothesis, the name could derive from a Byzantine Greek surname, "tsuli", belonging to the landowner.

The history of Zollino

The origins of Zollino are not yet entirely clear, but it is believed to have been founded by the Iapygians or the first inhabitants of Soleto. However, the territory has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as shown by the ancient menhirs and the dolmen still present in the area.

What to see in Zollino

Zollino is a small town but offers many attractions to visitors. You can visit the Museum of Rural Civilization, where objects used by local farmers are preserved. You can also admire the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, of medieval origin.

Events and traditions of Zollino

Zollino is famous for the "Festa dei Cufiari", a festival held every year in August that celebrates the inhabitants of the town. During the festival, the "cufiari" parade through the streets in traditional clothing and dance to the rhythm of Greek folk music.

Additionally, Zollino celebrates the "Festa di San Giuseppe", the patron saint of the town, with a procession and fair.

Cuisine of Zollino

The cuisine of Zollino is typical of Salento but also has Greek influences. Among the typical dishes, you can find orecchiette with small meatballs, pasticciotto salentino, mashed fava beans with chicory, and Puglian taralli.


Zollino is a small but fascinating town with ancient history and strong cultural traditions. If you are visiting Salento, you cannot miss this town, where you can still breathe the atmosphere of ancient Greece.

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022