Zola Predosa

Discovering Zola Predosa

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey to discover a wonderful city in Emilia-Romagna: Zola Predosa. With its 19,250 inhabitants, it is located in the metropolitan city of Bologna and is a real gem. Its name derives from Cellula Petrosa, the ancient name of two neighboring settlements. Over time, thanks to the evolution of vulgar language, Cellula became Çeula, Zeula and finally, Zola. Petrosa, on the other hand, became Predosa. Interesting, isn't it?

The History of Zola Predosa

Zola Predosa has a very interesting history. Archaeological finds here date back to the Bronze Age, such as fragments of stone tools and vases with ring handles. In addition, the Bologna Archaeological Museum houses some relics belonging to the Villanovan and Etruscan civilizations, such as funeral furnishings and vases. In the Roman period, on the other hand, iron swords and spears were found, as well as bronze effigies depicting Ceres and Mercury, and coins from the Augustan age.

In the Middle Ages, Zola was part of the possessions of Matilda of Canossa and then of the Municipality of Bologna. In 1144, it swore loyalty to Bologna, while Gesso submitted in 1164. In the twelfth century, a thriving wine production activity developed here, so much so that the "Road of the Brentators" originated, today called the "Wine and flavors Route".

During the sixteenth century, Bologna and therefore also Zola Predosa became part of the Papal States for about three centuries. In this period, manufacturing activities developed, including the production of bricks and plaster, which led to the construction of various kilns that are now disappeared.

With the restoration of the papal primacy over Bologna, the Municipality of Zola, with the locality of Gesso, was part of the Podesteria of Anzola dell'Emilia in the Government of Bologna. During the First World War, over 1200 Zolesi left for the front, of whom 95 did not return and 46 became disabled. For this reason, a plaque was erected in 1923 and a monument in the post-World War II period in memory of the fallen of the two world conflicts.

Discover Zola Predosa: history, attractions, and flavors.

What to see in Zola Predosa

In addition to historical evidence, Zola Predosa has a lot to offer visitors. For example, there is the Talon Park, a green area of ​​about 24,000 square meters. This park has a great variety of plants, including 35 species of flowers, 9 types of shrubs, and as many as 2,096 trees. In addition, Talon Park also hosts an important equipped area for games and sports.

Not far from the park, there is the Church of San Luca Evangelista. This church is very old, dating back to the 14th century, and is famous for its beautiful decorations.

Furthermore, every year, here, the "Asparagus Festival" is held, a gastronomic event during which you can taste the delicious asparagus of Zola Predosa. And if you are passionate about wine, I recommend following the "Wine and flavors Route" to discover local wineries and taste the typical wines of the area.


In conclusion, Zola Predosa is a wonderful city. Its millennia-old history and beautiful attractions make it a unique place, where you can have fun and relax at the same time. If you are looking for a destination for your vacation, there are really many things to see and do here. We are waiting for you with open arms!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Saturday, Mar 12, 2022