Welcome to Zogno!
Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Zogno, a municipality in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy, with a population of about 8,617 inhabitants. Zogno in Bergamo dialect is written ''Zògn'' or ''Dògn'', and is located in the lower Brembana Valley on a slope between the eastern slope of Mount Zucco and a bend in the Brembo river.
Physical geography
Zogno is located in the lower portion of the Brembana Valley not far from San Pellegrino Terme, only 4 kilometers away. The municipality extends along the valley floor road, on the orographic right bank of the Brembo river, while the other inhabited centers are mainly located on the left bank. The town is also at the foot of the north slope of Canto Alto and the east slope of Mount Zucco.

Zogno has a very ancient history, in fact, the area where the town stands was inhabited since prehistoric times. There are documents dating back to the end of the twelfth century that testify to the existence of Zogno as a rural municipality. In the years following its foundation, Zogno became an important center under the rule of Venice. During those centuries, the population was mainly employed in agriculture, livestock farming, and shepherding. Moreover, there were also artisanal activities related to wool spinning, linen, and cloth weaving.
During the nineteenth century, paper and cement industries gained ground. Today, thanks to constant development both in economic and urbanistic fields, Zogno is the most populous town in the Brembana Valley, with numerous commercial activities, textile and extractive industries, woodworking crafts, and construction companies.
Did you know that in the hamlet of Poscante on December 18, 1773, the famous brigand Vincenzo Pacchiana (Pacì Paciana) was born, a real Italian Robin Hood who stole from the rich to give to the poor? He was nicknamed "king of the road, king of the mountain" by his contemporaries.
Zogno has an official coat of arms recognized by the D.P.C.M. of December 19, 1951. San Lorenzo, the patron saint of the town, is represented in the coat of arms. The golden lily in the red chief of the symbol is taken from the Sonzogni family coat of arms, originally from Zogno.
The gonfalon, instead, is a split red and green flag.
If you find yourself in Lombardy, I recommend visiting Zogno: you will find a welcoming community that will reserve you a warm welcome!