
A Geographical Fraction

Sant'Alberto is a beautiful geographical fraction of the Municipality of Zero Branco, in the province of Treviso. Are you curious about this small town? Keep reading to find out more.

Geographical Position

Sant'Alberto is located at the center of the municipal territory and borders the southeast with the capital Zero Branco and the west with Scandolara. Two main watercourses pass through this town: the Zero (river), which flows just to the north, and the Vernise stream, its tributary, to the south.

Saint Albert: history, monuments, and traditions of the hamlet of Zero Branco.

History of the City

In the past, this location was part of the medieval municipality of Treviso and, under the Venetian Republic, was subject to the podestaria of that city, included in the district called ''Mestrina di Sopra''. During this period, the Sant'Alberto area was divided into the hamlets of ''Sant'Alberto Chiesa'', ''Sant'Alberto Albera'' and ''Sant'Alberto Bertoneria''.

With the fall of Venice, Sant'Alberto became an autonomous municipality (with hamlets Rio San Martino and Scandolara) framed in the department of Bacchiglione. Shortly after its establishment, it was abolished and broken up among the municipalities of Zero Branco and Scorzè.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Sant'Alberto Church

The church of Sant'Alberto is the parish church of the town, formerly a subsidiary of the parish church of Zero. According to Francesco Scipione Fapanni, a convent of the Order of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel was originally attached: this would explain the unusual dedication to Saint Albert of Jerusalem, otherwise confused with Albert of the Abbots (hence the patronal feast on August 7th instead of September 14th).

The building was rebuilt and re-consecrated in 1621 and again in 1883. The interior is divided into three aisles and preserves four altars including the main altar, in gilded wood.

Venetian Villas

Currently, there is no example of a Venetian villa in Sant'Alberto, however, the presence in the past of two buildings of this kind is attested.

The most significant construction was undoubtedly Villa Corniani, owned by a wealthy Venetian family of Brescian origins. The complex consists of the oratory of San Girolamo, built by the Borsa family between 1747 and 1757, purchased and restored by Giovanni Giacomo Corniani in 1780. The elegant facade is divided into rectangular panels, surmounted by cornice and tympanum (architecture), while inside is placed the altar of the titular saint with the altarpiece ''Madonna with Child and Saints''.

There is also evidence of a palace in which, during the eighteenth century, the English consuls in Venice used to stay.



Sant'Alberto hosts the typical village festival, the Festa del Patrono, with food stands, music, and a funfair, which takes place between late July and early August. In addition, there are popular games, such as the Tournament of Colmelli. Sant'Alberto is one of the eight teams that compete in Villa Guidini, usually during a Sunday in September. In this event, past customs are evoked.


In this text, we have explored the fascinating city of Sant'Alberto, discovering its geographical position, its history, its monuments, and its events. We hope that you can visit Sant'Alberto in the future and personally discover the beauty of this area.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, May 30, 2022