
Welcome to Zerfaliu!

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about the small town of Zerfaliu, located in the Campidano di Oristano region of Sardinia, Italy. With only 992 inhabitants, this municipality is an important center for the production of quality citrus fruits and wines, including Vernaccia di Oristano. But there are also many other interesting aspects to this picturesque town, so come with me and discover Zerfaliu!


Like many cities in Sardinia, Zerfaliu has ancient origins. Even during the Nuragic era, there were some Nuraghe present in the area, evidence of a millennial human presence. In the Middle Ages, the municipality was part of the curatoria of Campidano di Oristano in the Giudicato of Arborea, and later became part of the Marchesato di Oristano. After the fall of the Arborenses, it came under the domination of the Aragonese and became a fiefdom, until the suppression of the feudal system in 1839 transformed it into a municipality administered by a mayor and a city council.

Zerfaliu: Let's discover the small Sardinian town!


The emblem and banner of Zerfaliu were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1998. The banner is a cloth divided in green and yellow, the colors of the earth and the sun, symbol of fertility and light.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Despite its small size, there are many places of interest in Zerfaliu. The churches of the Santissima Trasfigurazione and San Giovanni Battista are two examples of very interesting religious architecture, with precious works of sacred art. But the territory also holds important evidence of Nuragic civilization, such as the nuraghe Janas, Nuragh'e Mesu and nuraghe Cagotti, as well as the tomb of the giants in the locality of Serraebrutzu. The dam in Pintus, on the Tirso river, is definitely worth a visit to enjoy the enchanting natural landscape.


Demographic Evolution

The population of Zerfaliu has remained constant in the last century, oscillating between 800 and 1000 units.

Languages and Dialects

The municipality of Zerfaliu is part of the area of Campidanese-Oristanese Sardinian, a variant of the Sardinian language.


Religious festivals are very important in Zerfaliu. The main festival is that of the Transfigured Jesus, the patron saint of the town, which is held on August 6th but also celebrated on the evening of August 5th with the traditional Sardinian song called "Coggius". The eve of August 6th is called "S'Arrassignu", and the procession after Mass is very suggestive. The second most important feast is dedicated to St. Pius, which is celebrated on September 22nd and 23rd. The "Citrus Festival" is a highly anticipated event by residents and tourists alike, held every year between February and March, and offers the opportunity to taste and buy high-quality lemons, oranges and mandarins.


Like every Italian municipality, Zerfaliu is governed by a mayor and a city council, who are responsible for local administration.



To deepen the knowledge of Zerfaliu, there are several books available, such as "Zerfaliu. Storie in...Comune" by Antonello Piras, published in 1997, or "Memorias" from 2008, always by the same author. Finally, for archaeology enthusiasts, "Monumenti megalitici nel territorio di Zerfaliu" by Antonello Piras, published in 2012, is a must-read.

Other Projects

For further information on Zerfaliu, visit the municipality's website, where you will find all the details on activities, events, cultural heritage and much more!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, Jan 7, 2022