
Greetings everyone, today I'm going to talk about Zenevredo: a small town in Lombardy, located in the province of Pavia, characterized by a predominantly hilly environment.


Zenevredo is located in the hills of Oltrepò Pavese, a short distance from the plain, to the right of the Versa stream. The village is immersed in a typical environment of the lower Po Valley, with a maximum height of 205 m above sea level and a minimum of 82.

Zenevredo: history and territory of a small hillside village.


Zenevredo has an ancient history that seems to date back to the seventh century, when a group of Benedictine monks began to inhabit these lands and build the buildings of a first monastic community. In 1164 the center was placed under the jurisdiction of Pavia and therefore equipped with a castle and a local lordship. At the time, the village was known by the toponym ''Cenevretum'', later becoming ''Zenepretum'' or in Italian "ginepreto", a place where junipers grow. Zenevredo belonged to the Pavia Monastery of Santa Maria Teodote, also known as ''della Pusterla'', and the town was also called ''Zenevredo della Pusterla''. Under Spanish domination, Zenevredo reappears in the list of declarations of the principality of Pavia in 1537 and is indicated as belonging to the rural congregation of Oltrepò and Siccomario. In 1743, the community passed under the dominion of the Savoy House of Piedmont, being included among those municipalities that sent their own representative to Voghera. With the end of feudalism, the lordship of the local monastery ended in 1797. In 1800, the first Napoleonian provisions regarding the municipality of Zenevredo were issued with the appointment of new mayors and inclusion in the Marengo department. In 1805, the municipality passed into the department of Genoa. With the Restoration, in 1815 Zenevredo passed into the district of Montù Beccaria, in the province of Voghera, and in 1859, with the conquest of Lombardy by the Franco-Piedmontese army, the municipality was included in the province of Pavia.


Demographic evolution

Zenevredo currently has 477 inhabitants.


Mountain communities

Zenevredo was part of the lower sector of the Oltrepò Pavese Mountain Community.


Other projects

If you want to discover more about Zenevredo, don't hesitate to visit its official website and that of the province of Pavia. I hope that this small summary has intrigued you and perhaps one day you can visit this enchanting hilly location!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Mar 26, 2022