
Saline di Volterra: History and Territory

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Saline di Volterra, a beautiful municipality in the province of Volterra, Tuscany. This territory is particularly important because of the saltwater springs, called "moie", used since the Etruscan era for the production of Sodium chloride.

The history of Saline di Volterra is very fascinating: the first news we have dates back to 981, when Otto II of Saxony sent some salt workers from Volterra to Germany to teach the inhabitants of Halle the technique of salt production. At the time, the moie belonged to the Bishop of Volterra, but the municipality soon began to acquire their rights.

After 1472, the saline were acquired by the city of Florence, which later returned them to the people of Volterra. From that moment on, most of the moie were closed and the activity focused mainly on the territory of Saline. In 1636, the management of the saline was regulated by a treaty between the municipality of Volterra and the administration of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

In 1787-1790, Grand Duke Leopold II of Habsburg-Lorraine decreed the construction of new salt production plants, suitable for the English industrial model. With the Napoleonic invasion, the saline passed to the Regia Imperiale dei Sali e dei Tabacchi. In 1863, the Cecina-Volterra railway was inaugurated, favoring the connection between the factories and the coast.

During World War II, the saline suffered damage, but production resumed immediately after. Over the years, production experienced a rapid decline and for this reason, today the saline of Saline di Volterra are no longer in production.

Saline di Volterra: Monuments and Points of Interest

The Saline factories are the main tourist attraction in Saline di Volterra. In particular, the pavilion designed by Pier Luigi Nervi houses a salt waterfall. This monument is of particular interest, also because it testifies to the importance of the saline in the history of Saline di Volterra.

The Saline of Volterra: history, territory and monuments.

In conclusion, Saline di Volterra is a very interesting municipality from a historical and landscape point of view. If you are in Tuscany, do not miss the opportunity to visit it!

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Apr 22, 2022