Discovering Voghera: history and physical geography
Hello! Today I want to talk to you about Voghera, a city located in the south-western part of Lombardy, south of the Po River. Voghera is the third most populous municipality in the province of Pavia, after Pavia and Vigevano, but it is the second largest in terms of area, after Vigevano. The city is located in the heart of Oltrepò Pavese, an area renowned for wine production and the presence of important industries.
Physical geography
Voghera is situated on the banks of the Staffora river, a few kilometres from the beginning of the first Apennine hill range. The city hall is located at an altitude of 96 metres above sea level, while the lowest and highest points of the municipal territory are 71 and 125 metres above sea level respectively. The city is bordered to the north by the 45th parallel and the 9th meridian east.

The climate of Voghera has some peculiarities attributable to the continental area: summers are very hot and humid, while winters are often cold. During the winter semester, there may be some foggy days, although the phenomenon is less frequent than in the past. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is 0.3 degrees Celsius, while that of the hottest month (July) is +23.1 degrees Celsius. Annual precipitation averages between 650 and 700 mm, with the peak in autumn.
History of Voghera
Voghera has very ancient origins, dating back to the Neolithic period, when the first human communities settled in the area, finding a mild climate and good waterways. Over the centuries, the settlement was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt due to the passage of various armies. In the 5th century AD, Voghera was devastated by the passage of Magnus Maximus, a great leader of Iberian origin who had formed his own kingdom in Britain. In 452, the city was devastated by the Huns led by Attila, who had come to Italy commanding a large coalition of nomadic peoples.
In the late 6th century, Voghera became a village, called "Vicus Iriae", which over time became "Vicus Eira" and then "Viqueria". Over the centuries, the city experienced moments of great splendour, thanks to the presence of important religious communities such as the Franciscans and Cistercians. In the Renaissance, Voghera became an important cultural centre, thanks to the presence of important families such as the Pallavicino, Scotti, and Malaspina.
In summary, Voghera is a city with a very ancient history, which tells the complex evolution of the Po Valley over the centuries. Today, the city represents an important industrial and wine-making centre, as well as a strategic hub for road and rail connections in north-western Italy. I hope my story has piqued your interest and that you want to discover more about Voghera and its beauties. If you're interested in wine, then I recommend trying "buttafuoco", a local wine that is truly excellent!