
Welcome to Vobarno: a town in Valle Sabbia

Welcome to Vobarno, an Italian town located in the province of Brescia, Lombardy. Located only 8 kilometers away from the beautiful Lake Garda, Vobarno is situated in the renowned Valle Sabbia and is part of the Comunità Montana della Valle Sabbia. The town has a population of approximately 8,255 inhabitants. Let's discover more about the history and origin of the name of this fascinating town.

Origin of the Name

The original name of Vobarno was "Voberna," as recorded in the "Marmo di Atinio" from the 1st century B.C. The "Marmo di Atinio" is an ancient cenotaph that tells the story of Publius Atinius, and was once walled into the base of the campanile of the Vobarno parish church. Today, the cenotaph can be found in the Santa Giulia museum in Brescia. In his inscription, Publius Atinius invites travelers to tell of having seen his tomb "on the borders of Italy."

Vobarno: History and Traditions of the Sabbia Valley.


Pre-Roman and Roman Era

The only evidence of pre-Roman occupation in Vobarno is in the names of the places, including the toponym of the entire area. However, there is much evidence of the Roman period in Vobarno, including the epigraph of Publius Atinius. Modern Vobarno developed from an ancient Roman center, located on the left bank of the Chiese River. This "vicus" was the center of the Roman "pagus," a district as large as the medieval parish.

Medieval Era

After the period of barbarian occupation, the Christian parish replaced the Roman pagus in the Middle Ages. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, erected in an uncertain date, perhaps in the 5th or 7th century, represents one of the oldest parish formations in the Chiese River valley. The Vobarno parish included the current parishes of Prandaglio, Clibbio, Eno, Carvanno, and Cecino in the Degagna fraction, the Teglie fraction, and possibly extended up to Treviso Bresciano and Valvestino. It was divided into four "decania."

The name "decania" is still in use nowadays only in the little valley called La Degagna. The Vobarno parish was dedicated to S. Maria Assunta, and near it stood the baptistery dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the only font of baptism in the entire vast parish. In the 10th or 11th centuries, the episcopal fiefdom was established around the Rocca, defending the underlying court and dominating the obligatory passage of the Chiese River and the two valleys, Valle Sabbia and Valle Degagna.


In brief, Vobarno is an ancient and fascinating town, where history and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation. Taking a walk through its villages transports you to medieval Lombardy. The historic center fascinates you with its ancient buildings and the Tower of Sonno. Vobarno is also an excellent base for exploring the nearby Valle Sabbia and Lake Garda. Its perfect location allows you to enjoy the tranquility of the mountains, while being only a few kilometers from the lake's shores. In summary, Vobarno is the ideal place for those seeking a vacation immersed in history and nature.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023