
Province of Benevento: A Charming Destination

Are you looking for beautiful and peaceful places to spend your holidays or even just a weekend in a province far from the chaos of big cities? Well, the province of Benevento might be the right place for you.

Physical Geography

The province of Benevento is located in the beautiful region of Campania, and borders with several Italian provinces such as Campobasso, Foggia, Avellino, and others. Located between the Sannitic and the Campanian sectors of the southern Apennines, the province has a particular conical shape, making it a very suggestive place to spend a vacation.

Province of Benevento: between nature and history


The climate of the province is characterized by cold winters with some snow falling on the mountains above 400-500 meters, which makes it possible to engage in various activities such as skiing. However, do not worry too much about the cold: temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius only in the absence of wind and clouds. In any case, there are numerous valleys that offer a milder climate compared to the surrounding mountains, making them ideal places for those who prefer a more temperate climate.


Among the most beautiful and emblematic mountains of the province, the Monte Mutria stands out, reaching a height of 1822 meters. It is a suggestive mountain with breathtaking panoramic views of the Benevento basin. The Massiccio del Matese, located in the north of the province, is also very famous for skiing and winter excursions.

As for rivers, the province of Benevento is crossed by the Calore irpino - Volturno, and its tributaries: the Tammaro, Miscano, and Ufita from the east, and the Sabato from the south. In particular, the Tammaro is one of the cleanest waters in Italy and hosts a considerable biodiversity that makes the area very interesting for nature lovers.

Cities and Villages

The province of Benevento offers numerous attractions that go beyond nature: villages perched on hills, historical monuments and archaeological sites, parks, and museums.

The capital of the province, Benevento, is famous for its millennia-long history and the beauty of its monuments, such as the majestic Arch of Trajan, the Roman amphitheater, medieval churches, and ancient walls that guard the historic center of the city. In addition, the city is famous for its numerous religious events, such as the Feast of St. Bartholomew, the Fair, and the famous Banda.

Among the other villages, the most famous is probably Santa Maria Capua Vetere, with its Roman amphitheater and other important archaeological sites dating back to the Roman era.


In short, the province of Benevento is a truly charming place, suitable for anyone, from families to young people looking for an escape from the city routine. Nature here is still pristine, and the presence of medieval towns and archaeological sites makes everything very fascinating. If you want to spend time surrounded by the nature and history of Campania, the province of Benevento could be the perfect place for you.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023