Vittorio Veneto

Exploring Vittorio Veneto: a city rich in history and nature

Vittorio Veneto is a municipality located in the province of Treviso in the Veneto region, boasting a very important historical past. In this article, we will explore the physical geography and climate of the city, as well as its fascinating history. Furthermore, we will discover the most interesting tourist attractions that Vittorio Veneto has to offer.

Physical geography

The city is characterized by the presence of hilly and mountainous terrain, located near the Belluno Prealps that separate it from Valbelluna and Alpago. The territory is the largest in the entire province and there are numerous locations scattered across the slopes, such as Val Lapisina, which is crossed by the SS 51 Alemagna road and the A27 motorway (Italy).

There are also three lakes within the city's territory: Lago Morto, Lago del Restello, and Lago di Negrisiola, all with different origins and characteristics.

Vittorio Veneto: between history and nature


The climate of Vittorio Veneto is temperate. Winter average temperatures hover around 5°C, while summer temperatures can exceed 25°C. Snow can occur in winter, especially on the surrounding hills. Rainfall is quite high throughout the year, but especially in autumn and spring.


Vittorio Veneto was born on September 27, 1866, with the union of the pre-existing municipalities of Ceneda and Serravalle. The epithet "Veneto" was used after the Battle of Vittorio Veneto and was officially ratified, along with the conferment of the city's title, by Royal Decree-Law no. 1416 of July 22, 1923.

During World War I, Vittorio Veneto was the scene of the famous battle that led to the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian army, thus determining the end of the conflict.

Throughout the 20th century, the city was affected by intense economic and demographic development, with the opening of numerous commercial activities and the construction of new residential neighborhoods.

Tourist attractions of Vittorio Veneto

The city offers numerous tourist attractions, including:


Vittorio Veneto is a city that offers many tourist attractions for both nature lovers and enthusiasts of history and culture. The historic center, the cathedral, the Cenedese Museum, and Serravalle are just some of the must-see attractions that the city offers to visitors. Furthermore, mountain excursion enthusiasts can enjoy the beauty of the Belluno Prealps.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022