
Discovering the Province of Macerata

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about the Province of Macerata, located in the Marche region, in central Italy. Its population is 303,684 inhabitants, and the capital is the city of Macerata.

Physical Geography

Did you know that the Province of Macerata is the largest in the Marche region? Since 2009, with the Territorial and Administrative Changes of the Marche region, it has annexed the Valmarecchia territory from the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, covering an area of 2,774 km².

The province is located on the east coast, bordering the Adriatic Sea, and to the west with the Umbria region (Province of Perugia). Since 2004, it is the only province in Marche that shares borders with other three provinces in the same region: Ancona to the north, Ascoli Piceno to the southwest, and Fermo to the south.

The territory is mainly hilly (67.7%), with the remaining part mountainous (32.3%). The Apennines and Sub-Apennine of Macerata are home to three unions of mountain municipalities: Unione Montana Potenza Esino Musone, Unione Montana Marca di Camerino, and Unione Montana dei Monti Azzurri.

The province of Macerata: discovering the Marche region.


The Province of Macerata derived from the homonymous delegation of the Papal States. It was expanded in 1860, annexing the delegation of Camerino and the municipality of Visso. Over the years, it has undergone numerous territorial changes, mainly in favor of the Province of Ancona. In 1929, it received the municipality of Visso from the Province of Perugia.


The economic fabric of the Province of Macerata is characterized by many small but highly specialized companies. The footwear industry is particularly important. In 2006, the Province of Macerata Bank was established to support the economic and social development of the area.

Infrastructure and Transport

Before the arrival of the automobile, the Province of Macerata was crossed by historic roads that led to Rome, many of which are very ancient. The most important was the Via Lauretana (Umbria-Marche), which entered Marche via Serravalle di Chienti, from Foligno through the Altopiani of Colfiorito, and reached Tolentino along the val di Chienti, then headed to the sanctuary of the Holy House and from there to the port of Ancona.

The arrival of trains changed the transport landscape in the province. The Rome-Ancona Railway through the Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina pass took away the ambitions of the province to see a railway artery that directly connected the capital. However, around 1885, a line was opened that split at Albacina, just after Fabriano, towards Ancona and arrived in Civitanova Marche in connection with the other important Adriatic Railway after crossing the provincial capital Macerata Station, and other important cities such as Matelica, San Severino Marche, Tolentino Station, Corridonia, and Montecosaro. Camerino was connected to this railway with the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway, now dismantled and replaced by a bus service.


Here are some interesting facts about the Province of Macerata. In addition to its size, we have discovered its unions of mountain municipalities, history, economic fabric, and transport landscape. If you are planning to visit the Marche region, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the Province of Macerata: you will be immersed in the natural beauty of the Apennines and breathe in the real Italian life.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022