
Everything you should know about minks

Hello friends! Today I would like to talk to you about one of the most interesting animals: the mink. The mink is a mammal that belongs to the Mustelidae family and can be divided into three different species: the European mink, the American mink, and the extinct sea mink.


The European mink, scientifically called Mustela lutreola, is a protected species that lives mainly in the wetlands of central and eastern Europe. This animal has long been endangered due to hunting and habitat loss.

The American mink, scientifically known as Neovison vison, is a species native to North America. This animal was introduced to Europe for fur production, but quickly spread to become an invasive species that causes problems to the ecosystem.

The sea mink, scientifically known as Neovison macrodon, is an extinct species that lived in the northern hemisphere. This animal was the largest of the minks and had an appearance similar to an otter.

Discover all about mink: zoology, geography, and Italian individuals.


The name mink does not only refer to an animal, but also to a common town in the province of Alessandria, Italy. Located in the Piedmont region, the town of Visone has a population of about 900 inhabitants.

Furthermore, the Visone is also the name of a river in Piedmont that extends for over 12 kilometers. This river originates from the hills of Monferrato and flows into the Tanaro river.


The name Visone is also represented in two famous Italian figures. Antonio Visone is a set designer and architect who has worked on numerous theatrical and television shows. Giovanni Visone, on the other hand, was an Italian politician known for his activity in the Italian Liberal Party and his fight against the mafia.

In summary, the mink is a fascinating animal, but it is important to be aware of its invasive species and protect those that are endangered. Remember to visit Visone in the province of Alessandria to discover the beauty of Piedmont, and perhaps chat with the locals about the famous Italian Visones.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023