
The Vinzaglio Torrione station: a brief history

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Vinzaglio Torrione station, a railway stop that served the Torrione fraction of the municipality of Vinzaglio, in the province of Novara. The station was activated on February 5, 1883, on the occasion of the opening of the Robbio-Vercelli section of the Vercelli-Pavia railway line. In the past, this station was very important for the region, as it allowed for a faster and more efficient connection between Vercelli and Pavia.

Structures and facilities: what was the station like

The Vinzaglio Torrione station was equipped with a two-story passenger building, which dates back to the time of the line's opening. Although the building is currently in a state of serious neglect, it is still visible and is part of the historical heritage of the municipality of Vinzaglio. The station had a single railway track, served by a platform.

The Vinzaglio Torrione station: history and abandonment.

The end of Vinzaglio Torrione station

Unfortunately, like many other stops in the area, Vinzaglio Torrione station was definitively decommissioned after the Second World War. With the gradual disappearance of railway transport as the primary means of transportation, many stations and stops were abandoned and, in some cases, demolished. However, the memory of these infrastructures still remains strong in the local community, which fondly and nostalgically remembers the time when the Vercelli-Pavia railway represented a true connection artery between the various municipalities of the region.

Conclusions: the story continues

In conclusion, Vinzaglio Torrione station represents an important piece of the history of the municipality of Vinzaglio and the surrounding region. Despite its disappearance, the memory of this railway stop still lives on in the memories of those who frequented it in the past. As lovers of the historical-cultural heritage of our region, it is important to preserve these places and safeguard the memory of our history, to draw lessons and inspiration for the future. ## The Vinzaglio Torrione station: a piece of our history that still lives on!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Monday, Sep 19, 2022