
Welcome to Vimodrone, the city between history and development

Hello everyone and welcome to Vimodrone! This city is located about 5 kilometers northeast of Milan and is home to 16,770 people. Located in an area with a strong Roman tradition, one of its most important roads, "Via Gallica" crossed through the territory. The city has an interesting history dating back to the 12th century, when Pope Alexander III held it under the authority of the chapter of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Monza. Over time it passed under various noble possessions, until being enfeoffed to the Visconti in the 17th century. They governed the city and built numerous villas, some of which still exist. Among the noteworthy Vimodronesi inhabitants are professor Nicola Visconti and Duke Uberto Visconti, who were involved in the Risorgimento movements of the 19th century.

Vimodrone throughout the centuries

Vimodrone represents a city with a rich and varied history, dating back many centuries. Before the economic boom of the 1960s, the city was divided into the north and south of the Naviglio, where small properties and the residential center were located respectively. During World War II, the center developed with new villa constructions, until the creation of large industrial enterprises. This led the inhabitants to abandon their agricultural land, where fodder, cereals and vegetables were grown. Over the years '80, the city saw a great building development, with the construction of numerous public, private and cooperative complexes both to the west and east of the city.

Discover Vimodrone: history, development, and unique beauty.

Vimodrone today

Today Vimodrone presents itself as a modern and constantly evolving city. Since 2015, a new road has been opened that connects Vimodrone north directly to Cologno and the Padana road without having to go through the center of the city. The city also has a subway stop, which allows you to reach the center of Milan in no time. Vimodrone is a lively city, with many job opportunities and a pleasant looking historic center. Here, residents can find a wide range of commercial activities, including restaurants, bars, shops, supermarkets and much more.

What to see in Vimodrone

If you are visiting Vimodrone, don't miss the opportunity to visit Villa Cazzaniga, a sixteenth-century villa of the Visconti family. In addition, there are several churches to visit, including the church of Sant'Ambrogio, the church of San Giovanni Battista and the church of Saints Gervaso and Protaso. You can also take a walk in the city parks, such as the Regina Margherita park, the Parri park and the Notari park, or visit the Civic Museum "Giovanni Manfredi" and the Civic Library "Achille Marazza".


In conclusion, Vimodrone is a city with a long history behind it and great development in the present, with many green spaces and a wide range of commercial activities. The city is easily accessible thanks to the subway stop and the new bridge that connects it directly to the Padana road, without the need to go through the center. If you are visiting Milan, don't miss the opportunity to take a trip to Vimodrone, discovering its history, local products and unique beauty.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, May 23, 2022