
Welcome to Villimpenta: a brief introduction

Welcome to Villimpenta, an Italian municipality in the province of Mantua with approximately 2100 inhabitants. The name of the town derives from "villapicta," a Latin word meaning "painted," and is primarily characterized by its castle, village, and parish church.

The physical geography of Villimpenta

Villimpenta is located in the Lombardy region in northern Italy. The town is situated about 20 km southwest of Mantua, along the road that connects it to Rivalta sul Mincio. The municipality's territory is mostly flat, with an average elevation of about 24 meters above sea level.

Discover Villimpenta: history, monuments, and Italian culture.

The origin of the name Villimpenta

As previously mentioned, the name of Villimpenta comes from the Latin "villapicta," which means "painted villa." The name referred to the presence of numerous decorated buildings around the main residence.

The history of Villimpenta

The town has ancient origins, dating back to the Neolithic period. The first mention of the town dates back to 1047 when it was described as a "castellum in Villapicta" belonging to the Basilica of San Zeno di Verona Abbey. Over time, the town came under the control of several kingdoms and lordships, including the Mantovani, Scaligeri, Visconti, and Gonzaga. The village was plundered in 1618 by French troops and again in 1796 by Austrian troops.

The symbols of Villimpenta

The town's gonfalon is white.

Monuments and places of interest in Villimpenta

The town has numerous monuments and places of historical and cultural interest. These include the Villimpenta Scaligero Castle, the Gonzaga-Zani Villa, the Parish Church of San Michele Arcangelo, the Church of the Beata Vergine della Neve, Palazzo Francioli Nuvolari, the Gianni Rodari Library, the Oratory of the Confraternity of 40 Hours, and the parish Church of San Bartolomeo in Pradello.

The society of Villimpenta

The population of Villimpenta has remained relatively stable over the years, fluctuating between 2000 and 2500 inhabitants.

The culture of Villimpenta

In Villimpenta, there is the Francioli Nuvolari Museum, dedicated to the history of automobiles and motorcycles. Among the typical dishes of the town is "risotto alla Villimpentese." Throughout the year, various festivals are held, including the "Festa del Risotto," twinned with the "Sagra de la Volìa Cazzata" of Martano, in the province of Lecce.

The economy of Villimpenta

The economy of the town is primarily based on agriculture and livestock farming.

Infrastructure and transport in Villimpenta

Villimpenta is well connected to neighboring towns via the SP110 provincial road. The town is also served by the ATM bus service.

The administration of Villimpenta

Villimpenta is part of the province of Mantua, and its municipal administration is presided over by Mayor Nadia Fornoni.

Sport in Villimpenta

The town has a small sports association that organizes events and football matches.


Villimpenta is a charming Italian town with a rich history and numerous monuments and places of interest. Its culinary culture, annual festivals, and the Francioli Nuvolari Museum are just a few reasons to visit this splendid location.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022